Means Test Calculators and Bankruptcy Information for Tennessee


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Tennessee Bankruptcy Info

Tennessee Bankruptcy Information

Chattanooga  .  Greeneville  .  Jackson  .  Knoxville  .  Memphis  .  Nashville  .  Winchester  . 

Tennessee Median Income Standards


Tennessee Bankruptcy Exemptions

Tennessee Homestead

$5,000; $7,500 for joint owners; $25,000 if at least one dependent is a minor child. (if 62 or older, 12,500 if single; $20,000 if married; $25,000 if spouse is also 62 or older)


no specific exemption


Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is more, plus $2.50 per week per child; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors

Personal property & Tools of Trade

$10,000 of any personal property including deposits on account with any bank or financial institution
Clothing & storage containers
Burial plots to 1 acre
Bible, schoolbooks, family pictures, & portraits


See personal property

More info About __ Bankrutpcy Exemptions including citations.

Tennessee Bankruptcy Courts



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