Access to Justice for Oregon Consumers has been providing free tools and legal information to Oregon consumers since 2006. has been providing free tools and legal information to Oregon consumers since 2006.
In Oregon, you can use an Affidavit if the fair market value of the estate is $275,000 or less and not more than $75,000 of the estate is personal property and not more than $200,000 is real estate. (Fair market value means what the property could be sold for, not your equity in it.) There is a 30-day waiting period.
The state of Oregon imposes an estate tax on property owned in Oregon. If you are inheriting property from the state of Oregon, it may be subject to estate tax if the overall value of the estate is more than $1,000,000.
The minimum wage in Oregon is $15.45 within the Portland Urban Growth Boundary, $13.20 an hour in non-urban counties, and $14.20 an hour everywhere else. Because this is higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25, employees in Oregon must be paid the higher state minimum wage.
The minimum wage in Deschutes County is currently $14.20 an hour.
The tipped minimum wage in Oregon is the same as the regular minimum wage: $15.45 within the Portland Urban Growth Boundary, $13.20 an hour in non-urban counties, and $14.20 an hour everywhere else. Tips don't count against the employer's obligation to pay the minimum wage.
Yes. Or. Rev. Stat. § 18.300
Real property, mobile home or houseboat you occupy or intend to occupy to $40,000 ($50,000 for joint owners); property cannot exceed 1 block in town or city or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 1 year from sale, if you intend to purchase another home
Motor vehicle to $3,000 (husband & wife may double)
In Oregon, you can receive unemployment benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks under state law.