How to check your voter registration information in California
Now’s the time to check and confirm your voter registration, especially if you:
- Haven’t voted for a while
- Changed your name since the last time you voted
- Permanently moved your residence since you last voted
It’s not difficult to check your records. California has a specific web page where you can confirm your California voter registration status.
It the link above does not work, go to the Can I Vote?, page, maintained by NASS *(National Association of Secretaries of State), and click "Voter Registration" and then select California, or just click the button above.,
When you get to the information page for California, look for the link to check your information online, or contact the office by phone and speak to someone to make sure you are registered.
The Overseas Vote Foundation also maintains an excellent county-specific database of election information.
How to register to vote in California
If you know that your California voter registration is out of date—perhaps because you moved—or if you need to register to vote in California for the first time, you can get started at
When you don’t have to update your voter registration
If you’ve voted in the past couple of years and your name and address haven’t changed, you probably don't have to update your voter registration. You should remain eligible to vote in all local, state, and federal elections in your area.
If you have any questions about whether you’re registered, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Check your California voter registration now!
Why should I check my voter registration? I'm pretty sure I'm registered already....
Did you know that if you haven’t voted in a while, your state can cancel your voter registration? A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Husted v. A. Phillip Randolph Institute, gave states the power to do exactly that.
The new ruling means that if you skip a few elections and fail to respond to a state notice asking you to update your voter registration address, your state may purge your name from the list of registered voters. Ohio—the state that brought the case all the way to the Supreme Court—and many other states are currently poised to purge their voter rolls.
This is a critical issue given the importance of the 2022 midterm elections. If your state removes your registration and you don’t discover this before you go to the polls, you may be required to complete a provisional ballot. If it turns out that your name was legally purged, your vote won’t count.
Check your California voter registration now
Make sure you turn in your absentee ballot on time!
Be sure you know when your absentee ballot must be returned! Every state has different rules.
Take advantage of early voting
What's On The Solana Beach, CA Ballot In the Next Election?
There are several sources of good information on that, discussed here.