

Terms of Use/Disclaimer

Some Important Warnings

While this site includes a great deal of forms, cases, statutes, and other materials, it is impossible to comprehensively keep this data resource for each topical area or jurisdiction absolutely up to date. To the contrary, the content of this website is update only as time allows, approximately twice a year. Thus, some materials on this site may have fallen out of date, or have been superseded by other statues or court opinions. Thus, this website should be view only as a starting place for research on the issues discussed here, and not as the definitive final answer.

No professional worth his professional salt would dare rely on these materials without further outside investigation for the most current information. Use this website as a resource, as a starting place for information, and do further research. Links have been provided, where possible, to assist in this process. Certainly, nothing here is, nor is meant to be, a substitute for the services, advice, or counsel of a licensed attorney in the relevant jurisdiction.

Bankruptcy, like most other areas of practice of law, are fact and circumstance intensive, meaning that each person may have facts particular to their own situations that will cause their case to turn differently than others. An experienced advisor may find specific opportunities or risks presented by aspects of your particular fact situation that this web site does not address.

If you attempt "do it yourself" you do it understanding that you are responsible for your own case. Many bankruptcies are routine. Whether yours is one of these routine cases can only be determined by carefully reviewing the facts of your specific case.

Obamacare information, likewise, should be confirmed with primary sources before being relied upon. Links have been provided for your convenience.



Jurisdictional relevance: US

Legal Consumer - New JerseyLaw. The content of this article pertains to all US states and counties.