Directories of Falmouth, Kentucky Employment Attorneys


Use these resources to find a local attorney for your overtime or wage case.



Here are a few selected websites that offer directories of employment attorneys that serve Falmouth, Kentucky. Not all attorneys list on all directories, so we offer a choice here to let users access the widest possible selection of Falmouth, Kentucky employment lawyers. 

Lawyer Referral Services in Kentucky

Check with the Kentucky Bar Association for information about lawyer referral services in Falmouth, Kentucky. A lawyer referral service matches potential clients with attorneys who specialize in that area of law. 

NELA’s “Find a Lawyer” Tool

Use the “Find a Lawyer” service at the website of the National Employment Lawyer’s Association to find a lawyer specializing in overtime and wage claims in Kentucky. Select “Wage and Hour” from the list to find NELA members near you.'s Falmouth Lawyer Directory

Started by original FindLaw founder and "free law" pioneer, Tim Stanley, has localized listings & profiles of attorneys that have been listed on lawyer directories services, including Nolo's and Cornell University's LLI project.

Nolo Lawyer Directory of Falmouth Area Employment Attorneys

Check Nolo’s lawyer directory (available through for names of employment lawyers in your zip code in Kentucky. 


Free Overtime Case Evaluation For Pendleton County, KY

Do you have questions about whether you're getting the wages you're entitled to in Kentucky? Use the form below to connect with a lawyer through the Nolo / Martindale network of overtime lawyers.
SPONSORED FORM - Nolo/Martindale Attorney Network

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