
Free Tools and Information
for Queens County, Consumers

Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

Bankruptcy & Debt

    • for Queens County,  (applies the state and county income and expense standards into your means test calculation. Updated with the latest median income and expense standards for May 15, 2024)
  • BANKRUPTCY EXEMPTION FINDER: Search detailed listings of bankruptcy exemptions under law and Federal law, for use in filing out Schedule C, when you file for bankruptcy. 
    • Federal Exemptions available in ?:  
      • No, except as to 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(10) (benefits, alimony, support, maintenance, certain pensions and similar payments). Kan. Stat. Ann. § 60-2312.

    • Homestead Exemption
      • Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm. If existing homestead land is annexed by city, homestead retains its prior protection despite annexation.

    • Vehicle Exemption
      • $20,000; if designed or equipped for disabled person, no limit

  • BANKRUPTCY COURT ESSENTIAL INFO: Get information about using your local bankruptcy court.
    We'll tell you which bankruptcy forms you need and where to find them.

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