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for Queens County, Consumers

Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

  • How Probate Works in : How to handle the probate of an inheritance at Queens County's probate court.
  • Small Estates Procedures in : Learn how to use 's Small Estate procedures that can save you time and money.
    • In New Hampshire, there is no Affidavit procedure.

      There is a summary probate procedure available if there is a Will, and that Will names the surviving spouse, or, if no spouse, an only child, or, if no child, a parent as sole beneficiary, and the beneficiary is also appointed as administrator: If there is no Will, but the same people are the sole heirs and are appointed as administrator.  The administrator must file between six months and one year after the death and the probate court must approve the petition.

      N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 553-32.


  • Estate Taxes:
    • , like most states, does not impose an estate or inheritance tax. Only a few states do.

  • Avoiding Probate in . Find out what property bypasses probate death and goes directly to beneficiaries. such as:

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