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Texas Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

  • How Probate Works in Texas: How to handle the probate of an inheritance at Bexar County's probate court.
  • Small Estates Procedures in Texas: Learn how to use Texas's Small Estate procedures that can save you time and money.
    • In Colorado, there's an Affidavit procedure for estates that are less than $70,000. This limit only applies to assets that would otherwise pass through probate, so excludes all joint tenancy property and all assets that pass by beneficiary designation, like life insurance and payable on death accounts. There is a ten-day waiting period.

      You can get the forms required here.

      Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 15-12-1201

      There's also a summary probate procedure for estates whose value is less than the value of personal property held by the decedent as trustee (so living trust assets don't count), exempt property allowance, family allowance, costs of administration, funeral expenses, and medical expenses for last illness.

      Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 15-12-1203

  • Texas Estate Taxes:
    • Texas, like most states, does not impose an estate or inheritance tax. Only a few states do.

  • Avoiding Probate in Texas. Find out what property bypasses probate death and goes directly to beneficiaries. such as:

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