Free PDF Downloadable Bankruptcy Forms for Use Before 12/1/2015

Updated: 2020-08-04

Official PDF Downloads

The links below connect you to forms provided by the US Court system. All bankruptcy forms available for free as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) forms.

Finding Instructions for the Forms

Official instructions for most of the revised Official Bankruptcy Forms are not available because they are "under revision." It has been many months since these new forms were first published and there's no word on when the instructions will be available. Links to the revised instructions will be posted here as they are available. The only instructional text posted are the committee notes from the congressional committees that wrote the law creating these forms. 

The basic forms that get things underway.

These are the forms that identify who you are, how you're giong to pay the filing fee.

(Forms B4 and B5 don't apply in consumer Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcies; they are for Chapter 11 and Chapter 9 cases for businesses and municipalities, like Detroit, Stockton, etc.)

Form Number
Form Name
B 1 Voluntary Petition
B 2 Declaration under Penalty of Perjury on Behalf of a Corporation or Partnership
B 3A Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments
B 3B Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived
B 4 List of Creditors Holding 20 Largest Unsecured Claims
B 5 Involuntary Petition

The Schedules:

Where you list 
- all your own, what you owe, and 
- whom you owe it to 
- how you'd like to handle your secured debts (auto, home, etc.)

Summaries and cover sheets of schedules

B 6 Cover Cover Sheet for Schedules
B 6 Declaration Declaration Concerning Debtor's Schedules
B 6 Summary Summary of Schedules

Your Property: Schedules A and B and C

Real Estate you own: Schedule A

B 6A Schedule A - Real Property

All other property (not real estate): Schedule B

B 6B Schedule B - Personal Property

Exempt property (property you can keep): Schedule C

B 6C Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt

Your Debts: Schedules D, E, and F

Secured Debts: Schedule D

Debts for which you have pledged collateral, like home loans and car loans.

B 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims

Unsecured Priority Debts: Schedule E

B 6E Schedule E - Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims

All other Unsecured Debts: Schedule F

B 6F Schedule F - Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims

Contracts and Leases that are ongoing: Schedule G

B 6G Schedule G - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

Codebtors: Schedule H

Did you know that your co-signors will be stuck with whatever debt you are discharged of? Here's where you list them.

B 6H Schedule H - Codebtors

Your Income: Schedule I

B 6I Schedule I: Your Income

Your Expenses: Schedule J

B 6J Schedule J: Your Expenses

End of Schedules

Statement of Financial Affairs

B 7 Statement of Financial Affairs

What you plan to do with your secured debts:

B 8 Chapter 7 Individual Debtor's Statement of Intention

Meeting of Creditors (341 meeting) Notices

B 9 List of Case Commencement Notes
B 9A Chapter 7 Individual or Joint Debtor No Asset Case
B 9B Chapter 7 Corporation/Partnership No Asset Case
B 9C Chapter 7 Individual or Joint Debtor Asset Case
B 9D Chapter 7 Corporation/Partnership Asset Case
B 9E Chapter 11 Individual or Joint Debtor Case
B 9E (Alt.) Chapter 11 Individual or Joint Debtor Case (Alt.)
B 9F Chapter 11 Corporation/Partnership Case
B 9F (Alt.) Chapter 11 Corporation/Partnership Case (Alt.)
B 9G Chapter 12 Individual or Joint Debtor Family Farmer
B 9H Chapter 12 Corporation/Partnership Family Farmer
B 9I Chapter 13 Case

Proof of Claim (For Creditors)

B 10 Proof Of Claim
B 10A Proof Of Claim, Attachment A
B 10S1 Proof Of Claim, Supplement 1
B 10S2 Proof Of Claim, Supplement 2
B 11A General Power of Attorney
B 11B Special Power of Attorney
B 12 Order and Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement
B 13 Order Approving Disclosure Statement and Fixing Time for Filing Acceptances or Rejections of Plan, Combined with Notice Thereof
B 13S Order Conditionally Approving Disclosure Statement
B 14 Ballot for Accepting or Rejecting Plan
B 15 Order Confirming Plan
B 15S Order Approving Disclosure Statement and Confirming Plan

Forms Used for "Adversary Proceedings"

B 16A Caption
B 16B Caption (Short Title)
B 16C Abrogated
B 16D Caption for Use in Adversary Proceeding other than for a Complaint Filed by a Debtor
B 17A Notice of Appeal and Statement of Election
B 17B Optional Appellee Statement of Election to Proceed in District Court
B 17C Certificate of Compliance with Rule 8015(a)(7)(B) or 8016(d)(2)

Discharge Forms

B 18 Discharge of Debtor
B 18F Discharge of Debtor After Completion of Chapter 12 Plan
B 18FH Discharge of Debtor Before Completion of Chapter 12 Plan
B 18J Discharge of Joint Debtors (Chapter 7)
B 18JO Discharge of One Joint Debtor (Chapter 7)
B 18RI Discharge of Individual Debtor in a Chapter 11 Case
B 18W Discharge of Debtor After Completion of Chapter 13 Plan
B 18WH Order Discharging Debtor Before Completion of Chapter 13 Plan
B 19 Declaration and Signature of Non-Attorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer
B 20A Notice of Motion or Objection
B 20B Notice of Objection to Claim
B 21 Statement of Social Security Number
B 22 Committee Note

Means Test Forms

B 22A-1 Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income
B 22A-1Supp Statement of Exemption from Presumption of Abuse Under §707(b)(2)
B 22A-2 Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation
B 22B Statement of Current Monthly Income
B 22C-1 Chapter 13 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income and Calculation of Commitment Period
B 22C-2 Chapter 13 Calculation of Your Disposable Income
B 23 Debtor’s Certification of Completion of Instructional Course Concerning Financial Management
B 24 Certification to Court of Appeals by All Parties
B 25A Plan of Reorganization in Small Business Case under Chapter 11
B 25B Disclosure Statement in Small Business Case under Chapter 11
B 25C Small Business Monthly Operating Report
B 26 Periodic Report Regarding Value, Operations and Profitability of Entities in Which the Debtor's Estate Holds a Substantial or Controlling Interest
B 27 Reaffirmation Agreement Cover Sheet
B 104 Adversary Proceeding Cover Sheet
B 131 Exemplification Certificate (Bankruptcy Court)
B 132 Application for Search of Bankruptcy Records
B 133 Claims Register

List of Statements, Schedules and Fees

B 200 Required Lists, Statements, Schedules, and Fees
B 201A Notice to Individual Consumer Debtor
B 201B Certification of Notice to Individual Consumer Debtor(s)


B 202 Statement of Military Service
B 203 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor
B 204 Notice of Need to File Proof of Claim Due to Recovery of Assets
B 205 Notice to Creditors and Other Parties in Interest
B 206 Certificate of Commencement of Case
B 207 Certificate of Retention of Debtor In Possession
B 210A Transfer of Claim Other Than for Security
B 210B Notice of Transfer of Claim Other Than for Security
B 230A Order Confirming Chapter 12 Plan
B 230B Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan
B 231A Order Fixing Time to Object to Proposed Modification of Confirmed Chapter 12 Plan
B 231B Order Fixing Time to Object to Proposed Modification of Confirmed Chapter 13 Plan

Reaffirmation Agreements

B 240A Reaffirmation Documents
B 240A/B ALT Reaffirmation Agreement
B 240B Motion for Approval of Reaffirmation Agreement
B 240C Order on Reaffirmation Agreement
B 240C ALT Order on Reaffirmation Agreement (Alt.)
B 250A Summons in an Adversary Proceeding
B 250B Summons and Notice of Pretrial Conference in an Adversary Proceeding
B 250C Summons and Notice of Trial in an Adversary Proceeding
B 250D Third-Party Summons
B 250E Summons to Debtor in Involuntary Case
B 250F Summons in a Chapter 15 Case Seeking Recognition of a Foreign Nonmain Proceeding
B 253 Order for Relief in an Involuntary Case
B 254 Subpoena for Rule 2004 Examination
B 255 Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding)
B 256 Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding)
B 257 Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or To Permit Inspection in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding)
B 260 Entry of Default
B 261A Judgment by Default - Clerk
B 261B Judgment by Default - Judge
B 261C Judgment in an Adversary Proceeding
B 262 Notice of Entry of Judgment
B 263 Bill of Costs (Bankruptcy Court)
B 264 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal
B 265 Certification of Judgment for Registration in Another District
B 270 Notice of Filing of Final Report of Trustee
B 271 Final Decree
B 280 Disclosure of Compensation of Bankruptcy Petition Preparer
B 281 Appearance of Child Support Creditor or Representative
B 283 Chapter 13 Debtor's Certifications Regarding Domestic Support Obligations and Section 522(q)
B 320 Bankruptcy Notice Provider Application


Can't find what you're looking for? Additional forms can be found at the official forms page forms provided by the US Court system. All bankruptcy forms available for free as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) forms.



Jurisdictional relevance:

There are versions of this article for each State.


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