How to Appeal if Your Unemployment Claim is Denied in Washington D.C.

Can I Appeal a Denial of Unemployment Benefits?

Find out how to appeal if your unemployment benefits claim is denied by the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services, Office of Unemployment Compensation.
Updated: 2022-08-08
Can I Collect Unemployment Benefits in Washington D.C. If I Was Wrongfully Terminated?
Do I Need a Lawyer to Get Unemployment Benefits in Washington D.C.?

Has your claim for unemployment benefits been denied? If so, you may still be able to collect benefits if you successfully appeal the denial. Every state unemployment agency has a process for appealing determinations by the agency. Depending on your state agency's procedure, you can appeal online, by mail, email, fax, or phone.

To learn more, select your state from the list below.

Jurisdictional relevance: ST

There are versions of this article for each State.

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