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for Edwardsville, KS Consumers

Kansas Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

Bankruptcy & Debt

    • for Wyandotte County, Kansas (applies the state and county income and expense standards into your means test calculation. Updated with the latest median income and expense standards for May 15, 2024)
  • Kansas BANKRUPTCY EXEMPTION FINDER: Search detailed listings of bankruptcy exemptions under Kansas law and Federal law, for use in filing out Schedule C, when you file for bankruptcy. 
    • Federal Exemptions available in Kansas?:  
      • No, except as to 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(10) (benefits, alimony, support, maintenance, certain pensions and similar payments). Kan. Stat. Ann. § 60-2312.

    • Kansas Homestead Exemption
      • Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm. If existing homestead land is annexed by city, homestead retains its prior protection despite annexation.

    • Kansas Vehicle Exemption
      • $20,000; if designed or equipped for disabled person, no limit

  • Kansas BANKRUPTCY COURT ESSENTIAL INFO: Get information about using your local bankruptcy court.
    We'll tell you which bankruptcy forms you need and where to find them.

Democracy In Kansas, Wyandotte County, Edwardsville 


Kansas Unemployment Benefits

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