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for Miami-Dade County, FL Consumers

Florida Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

  • How Probate Works in Florida: How to handle the probate of an inheritance at Miami-Dade County's probate court.
  • Small Estates Procedures in Florida: Learn how to use Florida's Small Estate procedures that can save you time and money.
    • In California, there is an Affidavit procedure available as long as the personal property does not exceed $184,000. There's a 40-day waiting period. Cal. Prob. Code 13050.

      There's also an Affidavit procedure that you can use if you have real property worth less than $50,000 (of which there is not much in the Golden State); there's a six month waiting period for this. Cal. Prob. Code 13200 and following.

       You can also use an Affidavit to collect up to $15,000 of salary and other compensation (including unused vacation time) owed to the deceased spouse. Cal. Prob. Code 13600.

      There's also a summary probate procedure that's available for estates worth less than $150,000. This dollar value doesn't count real property outside of California, property that passes by joint tenancy, property left outright to a surviving spouse, life insurance or other assets that pass by beneficiary designation, and property held in living trusts. Cal. Prob. Code 13150 and following.

  • Florida Estate Taxes:
    • Florida, like most states, does not impose an estate or inheritance tax. Only a few states do.

  • Avoiding Probate in Florida. Find out what property bypasses probate death and goes directly to beneficiaries. such as:
    • Transfer on Death Deeds (TODDs)
      • California has allowed TODDs since 2016. However, it recently revised its law in 2022 and now requires a few more formalities when creating one, and for the beneficiary when claiming the property after the original dies. But it still avoids probate.

Bankruptcy & Debt

Democracy In Florida, Miami-Dade County, Hialeah 


Florida Unemployment Benefits

  • Benefit Amounts in Florida: Learn how unemployment works, how much you'll get, and for how long.
    • Minimum
      • $40 per week
    • Maximum
      • $450 per week
    • Duration
      • In Florida, you can receive unemployment benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks under state law. 

  • Eligibility: >Whether you qualify for unemployment.
  • How to Apply: How to apply for unemployment in Florida.
  • Unemployment Office Near Me? How to find your local unemployment office.
  • COVID-19 Benefits: We tracked the rise and fall of COVID-19 unemployment benefit payments.
  • Florida Wage & Hour Law

    • Florida Minimum Wage:  
      • The minimum wage in California is $16 an hour. Because this is higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25, employees in The Golden State must be paid at least $16 an hour. 

        As of April 1, 2024, fast food workers minimum wage is $20 per hour. 

        Quite a few local governments in California have passed ordinances establishing a higher minimum wage. If you work in one of these cities or counties, you are entitled to earn the higher local minimum wage amount.

        Miami-Dade County Minimum Wage

        The minimum wage in Miami-Dade County is $16 an hour, the state minimum wage. Florida law prohibits city and county governments from adopting a local minimum wage that's higher than the state minimum wage. 

        Hialeah Minimum Wage

        The minimum wage in Hialeah, Florida, is $16 per hour, the state minimum wage. Florida law prohibits city and county governments from adopting a local minimum wage that's higher than the state minimum wage. 

    • Overtime Pay: Every state has rules about weekly maximum hours and overtime. Learn about the overtime laws in Florida and whether they apply to you.
    • Wage Claims: If you're being unlawfully underpaid, you need to learn how to file a "Wage Claim" in Florida. 
    • Tips : Every state has special pay rates for tipped workers. Find out the rules for tipped workers in Florida.
      • The tipped minimum wage in California is the same as the regular minimum wage: $16 an hour. Tips don't count against the employer's obligation to pay the minimum wage.

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