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Ohio Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

  • How Probate Works in Ohio: How to handle the probate of an inheritance at Cuyahoga County's probate court.
  • Small Estates Procedures in Ohio: Learn how to use Ohio's Small Estate procedures that can save you time and money.
    • In Minnesota, you can use an Affidavit if the entire probate estate is less than $75,000, including the contents of any safe deposit box, less liens and encumbrances. (This excludes the value of all joint tenancy property and other assets that pass by beneficiary designation, such as life insurance and transfer on death accounts.) There is a 30-day waiting period.

      Minn. Stat. 5243-1201.

      The court can order an estate closed without further proceedings if it determines that no property is subject to creditor's claims (because it has already been set aside as exempt or for the spouse and children).

      Minn. Stat. 5243-1203.


  • Ohio Estate Taxes:
    • The state of Massachusetts imposes an estate tax on property owned in Massachusetts. If you are inheriting property from the state of Massachusetts, it may be subject to estate tax if the overall value of the estate is more than $3,000,000.

  • Avoiding Probate in Ohio. Find out what property bypasses probate death and goes directly to beneficiaries. such as:

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