Finding a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Lost Hills, CA

Residents of Lost Hills, CA will want a bankruptcy attorney that is familiar with filing cases in the California Eastern District Bankruptcy Court, and has experience with the trustee that will be appointed to your case.

Directories of Lost Hills, CA Bankruptcy Attorney Advertising

Here are a few selected websites that offer directories of attorneys that serve Lost Hills,CA and Kern County. Not all attorneys list on all directiories, so we offer a choice here, and make it convenient to access the widest possible selection of Lost Hills, California bankruptcy lawyers.'s Lost Hills, CA Lawyer Directory

Started by original FindLaw founder and "free law" pioneer Tim Stanley, has localized listings & profiles of attorneys.

NACBA Attorney Finder

Type in your zip code to find bankruptcy attorneys in your area who are members of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA).

Nolo Lawyer Directory of Lost Hills, CA Area Bankruptcy Attorneys

Nolo offers lawyer profiles and asks the attorneys whether they're open to the idea of working with people who have read up on the subject of bankruptcy.

Legal Aid

Legal Aid serving Lost Hills, CA

If your income is low, you may be able to get bankruptcy representation through your local legal aid organization: LawHelpCA.

Current income guidelines to qualify for legal aid in 2023.

Each year, LSC updates appendix A to 45 CFR part 1611 to provide client income eligibility standards based on the most recent Guidelines. The figures for 2023, set out below, are equivalent to 125% of the Guidelines published by HHS on January 19, 2023.

In addition, LSC is publishing a chart listing income levels that are 200% of the Guidelines. This chart is for reference purposes only as an aid to recipients in assessing the financial eligibility of an applicant whose income is greater than 125% of the applicable Guidelines amount, but less than 200% of the applicable Guidelines amount (and who may be found to be financially eligible under duly adopted exceptions to the annual income ceiling in accordance with 45 CFR 1611.31611.4, and 1611.5).


Legal Services Corporation 2023 Income Guidelines *

Size of household 48 Contiguous states and the District of Columbia Alaska Hawaii
1 $18,225 $22,763 $20,963
2 24,650 30,800 28,350
3 31,075 38,838 35,738
4 37,500 46,875 43,125
5 43,925 54,913 50,513
6 50,350 62,950 57,900
7 56,775 70,988 65,288
8 63,200 79,025 72,675
For each additional member of the household in excess of 8, add: 6,425 8,038 7,388
* The figures in this table represent 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines by household size as determined by HHS.

Reference Chart—200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines *

Size of household 48 Contiguous states and the District of Columbia Alaska Hawaii
1 $29,160 $36,420 $33,540
2 39,440 49,280 45,360
3 49,720 62,140 57,180
4 60,000 75,000 69,000
5 70,280 87,860 80,820
6 80,560 100,720 92,640
7 90,840 113,580 104,460
8 101,120 126,440 116,280
For each additional member of the household in excess of 8, add: 10,280 12,860 11,820
* The figures in this table represent 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines by household size as determined by HHS.

See Also


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