Schedule H: Your Codebtors (Official Form 106H)  

Codebtors: Schedule H

Did you know that your co-signors will be stuck with whatever debt you are discharged of? Here's where you list them.

B 106H Schedule H: Your Codebtors (individuals)

If you have any debts that someone else may also be responsible for paying, these people or entities are called codebtors. Use Schedule H: Your Codebtors (Official Form 106H) to list any codebtors who are responsible for any debts you have listed on the other schedules.   

To help fill out this form, use both Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 106D) and Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 106E/F) 

List all of your codebtors and the creditors to whom you owe the debt. For example, if someone cosigned for the car loan that you owe, you must list that person on this form.  

 If you are filing a joint case, do not list either spouse as a codebtor.


Other codebtors could include the following:  



Former spouse;   

Unmarried partner; 

Joint contractor; or  

Nonfiling spouse—even if the spouse is not a cosigner—where the debt is for necessities (such as food or medical care) if state law makes the nonfiling spouse legally responsible for debts for necessities.  



The schedules to be used in cases of individual debtors are revised as part of the Forms Modernization Project, making them easier to read and, as a result, likely to generate more complete and accurate responses. The goals of the Forms Modernization Project include improving the interface between technology and the forms so as to increase efficiency and reduce the need to produce the same information in multiple formats. Therefore, many of the open-ended questions and multiple-part instructions have been replaced with more specific questions. The individual debtor schedules are also renumbered, starting with the number 106 and followed by the letter or name of the schedule to distinguish them from the versions to be used in non-individual cases.

Official Form 106H, Schedule H: Your Codebtors, replaces Official Form 6H, Codebtors, in cases of individual debtors.

The form breaks out the questions about whether there are any codebters, and whether the debtor has lived with a spouse, former spouse, or legal equivalent in a community property state in the prior eight years. It also removes Alaska from the listed community property states. Finally, it asks the debtor to indicate where the debt is listed on Schedule D, Schedule E/F, or Schedule G, thereby B  eliminating the need to list the name and address of the creditor.



Jurisdictional relevance: US

Legal Consumer - Lake Charles, LALaw. The content of this article pertains to all US states and counties.