We are in a historic moment, in which Democrats are trying to shore up democracy while Republicans are actively working to undermine it. 

The Republican Party, currently led by Donald Trump, has become a force that is actively working to allow authoritarians to overrule fact-based democracy with conspiracy theories and the "Big Lie" about the 2020 election.

And with their judges having the opinion that the US Constitution does not confer a right to privacy when it comes to the personal decision of whether to have a baby, Republicans judges are paving the way for complete government control over personal decisions.

A majority of GOP voters believe in the idea that the U.S. should be declared a "Christian Nation" while acknowledging that it would not be constitutional. 

The current GOP far-right "conservative" view is that:

  • the government has an absolute right to criminalize matters of private personal choice, and, more recently, that
  • election results can be ignored by those in power if they disagree with the result.

It wasn't always this way

I was raised in an era of reasonable Republicans in the 60s and 70s in the State of Michigan. That state was run for years by reasonable pro-business Republican governors Bill Milliken and George Romney (Mitt's dad and the guy that ran American Motors (AMC/Rambler) back in the day...

I went to Michigan Law school with Senator Rob Portman, from Ohio. He's a reasonable Republican (even if I disagreed with him on DOMA...but he came around.) But he's not running because he knows he can't beat Trumpists in the Ohio Republican primary.

So here we are... 

Today, we live in a world where Trump is attempting to make himself the kingmaker of the GOP. 

2022 will determine if the GOP officially becomes the "Big Lie" party who advance the myth that the 2020 election was stolen. 

"Republicans cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution,"  - Liz Cheney (R) WY

Adherence to the Big Lie is becoming the litmus test of the Republican Party

The treason of January 6 was just a rehearsal, led by the likes of thugs like Roger Stone (dirty trickster since the Nixon era) and paranoid conspiracy theorist Alex Jones (loony as a friggin nutcase, and very good at sucking money out of his devotees, who are generally (must be) as dumb as a bag of hammers).

More is coming. The Trumpists have not gone away. 

The election of Joe Biden was just the first book of Harry Potter.... Voldemort is not dead.

While it is true that some of the most egregious power-grabbing legislation was not approved by state legislatures, Republicans did all they could to make pass legislation to make sure it's harder to vote, especially for working people.

The appendix to this report documents the many bills that have been introduced and passed to thwart democratic rule.

More info on election suppression from the Center for Investigative Reporting:


Jurisdictional relevance: US

Legal Consumer - Ozaukee County, WILaw. The content of this article pertains to all US states and counties.