Bankruptcy Research Notes - Beta 0.08 - (1300+ cases & articles, and counting...)


Keywords: autos . secured debt . means test allowances . vehicle-ownership deduction . means test . IRS standards . Ransom .

Topic #1:: Local Standards: Vehicle Ownership/Lease expense allowance -- contingent on existence of loan or lease obligation? (i.e. if owned free and clear)

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  • 91 Cases on This Topic
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Case Summary In re Barrett, 371 B.R. 860, Bankr.S.D.Ill., 07/10/07, 13, Above

In re Barrett, 371 B.R. 860 (Bankr.S.D.Ill. 2007)


Means Test > Expenses > IRS Allowances > Vehicles > Ownership Costs

Local Standards: Vehicle Ownership/Lease expense allowance -- contingent on existence of loan or lease obligation? (i.e. if owned free and clear)

91 Cases , IssueID 1

Ch 7 Means Test
Form 22A, Line 23
Ch 13 Means Test
Form 22C Line 28

Topic Description:

The Supreme Court ruled in January 2011, that the Means Test Vehicle Ownership allowance is contingent on existence of loan or lease obligation. In other words, if you own a vehicle "free and clear" and are not making any payments, you cannot claim the ownership deduction. (Ransom v. FIA Card Services, __ U.S. ___ (S.Ct 2011 ) )

Before the Supreme Court settled the issue, lower courts were split on this question.

Note that lower court cases that deny the allowance often mention that debtors can claim a $200 extra operation deduction for vehicles over six years old with more than 75K miles (based on the IRS practice of doing the same).

Lines of Cases:


Requires loan or lease obligation


Does not require loan or lease


Unlike B, must at least show some ownership expenses other than lease or loan still qualify for allowance


Does not require loan or lease, but lack of such expense may be considered when confirming chapter 13 plan


"Everything else..."

Topic Background / Overview:

This is a NOT the issue where a debt is tied to property to be surrendered. Here it's a question of whether the allowance is triggered at all. That is, does it require an ownership "expense" to qualify for the allowance.

  • Type A = Requires loan or lease obligation
  • Type B = Does not require loan or lease
  • Type C = Unlike B, must at least show some ownership expenses other than lease or loan still qualify for allowance
  • Type D = Does not require loan or lease, but lack of such expense may be considered when confirming chapter 13 plan
  • Type E = "Everything Else"
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Cases for Zip , California Northern District Bankruptcy Court

Supreme Court

� Ransom v. FIA Card Services

S.Ct - 131 S. Ct. 716 - Supreme Court 2011 - 2011-01-11 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14278491619932334056
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

A debtor who does not make loan or lease payments may not take the car-ownership deduction.

� In re Ransom (Ransom v. MBNA)

S. Ct. - ___ U.S. ___ - 2010-04-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14278491619932334056
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

US Supreme Court has granted cert on this case which the 9th Cir held for the creditor, despite the clear language of the law, as written. There is a circuit split on this issue. THE COURT HAS NOT YET RULED. The issue indicator is set to what the ninth circuit court ruled. Oral argument here:

Ninth Circuit Cases

� In re Ransom (Ransom v. MBNA)

9th Cir - 577 F.3d 1026 - 2009-08-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11285133487979934947
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

Above-median income Chapter 13 debtors may not take a Means Test deduction for a vehicle ownership cost if there is no cost associated with ownership of the vehicle. "An 'ownership cost' is not an 'expense' -- either actual or applicable -- if it does not exist, period. Ironic it would be indeed to diminish payments to unsecured creditors in this context on the basis of a fictitious expense not incurred by a debtor,"

� In re Watkins

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 2008 WL 2475749 - 2008-08-08 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12925204282578474665
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� United States Trustee v. Deadmond (In re Deadmond)

D.Mont. - 2008 WL 191165 - 2008-03-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15521414871175405818
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Sawicki

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 2008 WL 410229 - 2008-02-12 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 8721112569690193246
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ransom

9th Cir. BAP - 380 B.R. 799 - 2007-12-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4565212306116375743
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Canales

Bankr.C.D.Ca. - 2007 WL 3261527 - 2007-10-31 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 724945355747124957
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Garcia

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 2007 WL 2692232 - 2007-09-11 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 4565212306116375743
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Cole

Bankr.W.D.Wa. - 2007 WL 1953126 - 2007-07-03 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 2627938672847068450
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Armstrong

Bankr.E.D.Wash. - 395 B.R. 127 - 2007-07-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7202793720705933896
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Bennett

Bankr.C.D.Ca. - 371 B.R. 440 - 2007-06-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12204270888770185636
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Ransom

Bankr.D.Nev. - 577 F.3d 1026 - 2007-06-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4565212306116375743
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Chamberlain

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 369 B.R. 519 - 2007-05-26 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 9364586157949015935
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Swan

Bankr.N.D.Cal. - 368 B.R. 12 - 2007-04-18 - ,

Google ID#: 12617844730261016152
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Rezentes

Bankr.D.Hawaii - 368 B.R. 55 - 2007-04-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13723166781579119728
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Vesper

Bankr.D.Alaska - 371 B.R. 426 - 2007-02-28 - ,

Google ID#: 16780275103926379348
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Deadmond

Bankr.D.Mont. - Case No. 06-60512 - 2007-02-27 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#:
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

(ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Slusher

Bankr.D.Nev. - 359 B.R. 290 - 2007-01-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14678176868949872874
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Carlin

Bankr.D.Or. - 348 B.R. 795 - 2006-08-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6370097065695089748
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

statute does not allow the ownership expense deduction to free and clear owners;

Other Circuits

� In re Wilkerson

Bankr DDC - - 2015-06-25 - ,

Google ID#: 6406254529422758925
(Type E : )

"Means Test Deduction Limited To Amount Actually Spent"

� In re Coffin

1st Cir BAP - 435 B.R. 780 - 2010-09-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18088651949686101108
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

Although Lanning can be read as an endorsement of judicial discretion, we cannot conclude that the Supreme Court intended to endorse an unfettered grant of discretion which would permit bankruptcy courts to apply BAPCPA in a manner directly at odds with its express terms. The Debtor owns and operates a vehicle and, therefore, incurs expenses related to it. The fact that those expenses may be less than the amount Congress fixed for inclusion in the means test analysis does not mean that courts have the discretion to disallow the expense in that analysis.

� In re Pelkey

Bankr D. Connecticut - 434 B.R. 26 - 2010-03-25 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 11407060748462484138
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

discusses split within 2nd circuit and decides in favor of allowing the expense deduction.
Debtors, who own two vehicles for which they are making no loan or lease payments, are entitled to deduct $978, the amount shown in the IRS Standards, in calculating the projected disposable income to be applied under their Plan to paying unsecured creditors.

� In re Alvarado

Bankr.E.D.Texas - ___ - 2009-10-29 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 16013413705859099032
(Type D : Does not require loan or lease, but lack of such expense may be considered when confirming chapter 13 plan )

Chapter 13 plan fails "Projected Disposable Income" test for failing to provide sufficient payments based on deduction for vehicle they owned outright. Although deduction is allowed on 22C under 5th Circuit law , Tate , court can still refuse to approve Chapter 13 plan based on consideration of "actual" expenses.Nowlin v. Peake

� In re Spears

M.D. Ala. - 415 B.R. 855 - 2009-09-24 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 18328371899771858621
(Type E : )

The court ruled that debtors get a full standard vehicle deduction, and that the court should treat the full-vehicle deduction as the presumptive vehicle ownership cost.

The court rejected the holding in In re Strickland (Bankr. M.D. Ala. 2001), that a debtor's use of the vehicle ownership deduction is inconsistent with the forward-looking nature of projected disposable income used to determine the adequacy of a Chapter 13 plan.

Court held that the standards of the means test should be applied in determining what expenses are allowed or not, while still allowing the court to look at changed circumstances -- as long as the standards applied don't change.

� In re Wenzel

Bankr.D.Kansas - 415 BR 510 - 2009-09-01 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 10021626302965474842
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

debtors are not permitted to take a vehicle ownership expense deduction on line 28 of Form 22C for a vehicle that they own free and clear of any liens and for which they make no loan payments.

Since Pearson I was vacated by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, it has no precedential value, and this Court declines to adopt its reasoning.

� In re Washburn (eCast Settlement Corp. v Washburn)

8th Cir. - 579 F.3d - 2009-08-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14996875636284168452
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

above median income debtors may take means test deduction for motor vehilcle ownership expense for cars they own free and clear

� Morse v. Rudler (In re Rudler)

1st Cir. - 576 F.3d 37 - 2009-08-05 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 7083943896071638723
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Tate

5th Cir. - 571 F.3d 423 - 2009-06-10 - 7 , No

Google ID#: 2813925579340756609
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

allowing the full IRS deduction for motor vehicle ownership where the vehicle is owned free and clear of liens

� In re Burbank

Bankr.D.R.I. - 401 B.R. 67 - 2009-02-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 9979261307469184644
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ralston

Bankr. M.D. Fla. - 400 B.R. 854 - 2009-02-10 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 12339235281904750333
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ralston

Bankr. M.D.Fla. - 400 B.R. 854 - 2009-02-10 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 12339235281904750333
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

"A question that has often arisen as courts attempt to interpret the Means Test, which has also arisen in this case, is whether such payments may be deducted in a Means Test calculation where, as here, the Debtors intend to surrender the collateral. .... Debtors may include both the Secured Debt Deduction and the Ownership Costs Deduction in their Means Test calculation."

� In re Ross-Tousey

7th Cir. - 549 F.3d 1148 - 2008-12-17 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 8721112569690193246
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Coffin

Bankr.D.Me. - 396 B.R. 804 - 2008-11-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3550144265259309589
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Baughman

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 2008 WL 4487879 - 2008-09-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7096319598713242790
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ragle

E.D.Ky. - 395 B.R. 387 - 2008-09-29 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 9231437641445369262
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Pearl

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 394 B.R. 309 - 2008-09-10 - 13/Above ,

Google ID#: 17789203493420632915
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re White

Bankr.N.D.Miss. - 393 B.R. 436 - 2008-09-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4012908366390385410
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Powell

8th Cir. BAP - 392 B.R. 407; 408 - 2008-09-02 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 5233640008767054544
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

(ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Lane

Bankr.D.Mass. - 394 B.R. 248 - 2008-08-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5076275829858408208
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Young

Bankr.D.Mass. - 392 B.R. 6 - 2008-08-08 - ,

Google ID#: 12925204282578474665
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Pearson

10th Cir. BAP - 390 B.R. 706 - 2008-07-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12477689897234592401
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re May

Bankr.S.D.Ohio - 390 B.R. 338 - 2008-07-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 984419500289301575
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Reinstein

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 393 B.R. 838 - 2008-06-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6837279503059940064
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Osei

Bankr.S.D.N.Y. - 389 B.R. 339 - 2008-06-25 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6231467005599607959
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Mati

Bankr.D.Mass. - 390 B.R. 11 - 2008-06-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4055551740041555999
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Schneider

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 2008 WL 1885768 - 2008-04-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17789203493420632915
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Egbert

Bankr.E.D.Ark. - 384 B.R. 818 - 2008-04-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11933438934621642266
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Owsley

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 739 - 2008-03-31 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7060949415295896362
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� Grossman v. Sawdy

E.D.Wis. - 384 B.R. 199 - 2008-03-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 1773959476620385810
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Wilson

8th Cir. BAP - 383 B.R. 729 - 2008-03-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15521414871175405818
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� Wieland v. Thomas

D.Kan. - 382 B.R. 793 - 2008-03-04 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 16942890356175394723
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re White

Bankr.C.D.Ill. - 382 B.R. 751 - 2008-02-28 - ,

Google ID#: 1614873684985616424
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Roberts

Bankr.D.Conn. - 2008 WL 542503 - 2008-02-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Clark

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 2008 WL 444565 - 2008-02-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

"Congress must have had a reason for allowing the ownership deduction in calculating the means test formula for debtors with modest [car] payments, perhaps as some courts have posited, because the debtors may need replacement transportation during the course of [bankruptcy proceedings]." Debtors who own their cars outright would have the same potential need for vehicle replacement, so we believe that they are similarly entitled to the deduction even though the deduction amount may exceed their actual costs. See id.; see also Eugene Wedoff, Means Testing in the New 707(b), 79 Am. Bankr.L.J. 231, 257 (2005) (recognizing that allowing the ownership deduction to debtors who own their cars outright "reflects the reality that a car for which the debtor no longer makes payments may soon need to be replaced (so that the debtor will have actual ownership expenses)....").

� In re Weiderhold

Bankr.M.D.Pa. - 381 B.R. 626 - 2008-02-11 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 11887840502866195552
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Phillips

Bankr.D.Mass. - 382 B.R. 153 - 2008-02-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10086036581964979906
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Kimbro

6th Cir. BAP - 389 B.R. 518 - 2008-02-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18386070171003755604
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Meade

W.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 132 - 2008-01-24 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 6213290211880291411
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Thomas

Bankr.D.Kan. - Case No. 06-21108 - 2007-10-02 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#:
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Briscoe

Bankr.D.D.C. - 374 B.R. 1 - 2007-09-04 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2342652270756947784
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Hartwick (Fokkena v. Hartwick)

D.Minn. - 373 B.R. 645 - 2007-08-20 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 17471062912668070319
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

(ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Morgan

Bankr.S.D.Fla. - 374 B.R. 353 - 2007-08-08 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 11757923069596744428
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ross-Tousey

E.D.Wis. - 368 B.R. 762 - 2007-07-21 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 2281793149401295525
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

the term "applicable" does not simply mean a debtor must only apply the Standard based on the number of cars he owns; he must apply the Standard based on how many cars for which he has monthly ownership expenses.

� In re Barrett

Bankr.S.D.Ill. - 371 B.R. 860 - 2007-07-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2703770035806932964
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Talmadge

Bankr.M.D.Pa. - 371 B.R. 96 - 2007-06-28 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 12029273696191065375
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Billie

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 2007 WL 1174132 - 2007-06-21 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 10816534535045819591
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� Neary v. Ross-Tousey (In re Ross-Tousey)

E.D.Wis. - 368 B.R. 762 - 2007-05-21 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 2281793149401295525
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Pampas

Bankr.M.D.La. - 369 B.R. 290 - 2007-05-21 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 10165864937484990688
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Lynch

Bankr.E.D.Va. - 368 B.R. 487 - 2007-05-08 - 13. Above ,

Google ID#: 16225012122000582287
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Howell

Bankr.D.Kan. - 366 B.R. 153 - 2007-04-26 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3395589825224679560
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Zaporski

Bankr.E.D.Mich. - 366 B.R. 758 - 2007-04-17 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 3225070862768722755
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Zaporski

Bankr.E.D.Mich. - 366 B.R. 758 - 2007-04-17 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 3225070862768722755
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

The Court concludes that Zaporski's applicable Local Standards ownership cost reductions are based on the number of vehicles Zaporski owns, not the number for which Zaporski makes payments

� In re Watson

Bankr.D.Md. - 366 B.R. 523 - 2007-04-11 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 13311662314741210620
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ceasar

Bankr.W.D.La. - 364 B.R. 257 - 2007-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14923567853015211765
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Ceasar

Bankr.W.D.La. - 364 BR 25 - 2007-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14923567853015211765
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Zak

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 361 B.R. 481 - 2007-01-12 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 1066757870234576709
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Devilliers

Bankr.E.D.La. - 358 B.R. 849 - 2007-01-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 16256252891550465601
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Haley

Bankr.D.N.H. - 354 B.R. 340 - 2006-10-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14239442210459214439
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Harris

Bankr.E.D.Okla. - 353 B.R. 304 - 2006-10-13 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 18378876260506570681
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Hartwick

Bankr.D.Minn. - 352 B.R. 867 - 2006-10-13 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 12395869896431254649
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Farrar-Johnson

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 353 B.R. 224 - 2006-09-15 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 17694754915058519033
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Fowler

Bankr.D.Del. - 349 B.R. 414 - 2006-09-11 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 16572250773284836833
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Skaggs

Bankr.E.D.Mo. - 349 B.R. 594 - 2006-08-16 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 4047009656958785514
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Oliver

Bankr.W.D.Tex. - 350 B.R. 294 - 2006-08-08 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 11475973497620515810
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Wiggs

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 2006 WL 2246432 - 2006-08-04 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17694754915058519033
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Barraza

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 346 B.R. 724 - 2006-08-01 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 4943287364388016952
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Demonica

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 345 B.R. 895 - 2006-07-31 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 8880786506443059471
(Type C : Unlike B, must at least show some ownership expenses other than lease or loan still qualify for allowance )

� In re Lara

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 347 B.R. 198 - 2006-06-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13984253566144636428
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re McGuire

Bankr.W.D.Mo. - 342 B.R. 608 - 2006-06-01 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8353296396886357763
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Hardacre

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 338 B.R. 718 - 2006-03-06 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 336860173135816322
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Wilkerson

Bankr DDC - - 2015-06-25 - ,

Google ID#: 6406254529422758925
(Type E : )

"Means Test Deduction Limited To Amount Actually Spent"

� Ransom v. FIA Card Services

S.Ct - 131 S. Ct. 716 - Supreme Court 2011 - 2011-01-11 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14278491619932334056
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

A debtor who does not make loan or lease payments may not take the car-ownership deduction.

� In re Coffin

1st Cir BAP - 435 B.R. 780 - 2010-09-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18088651949686101108
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

Although Lanning can be read as an endorsement of judicial discretion, we cannot conclude that the Supreme Court intended to endorse an unfettered grant of discretion which would permit bankruptcy courts to apply BAPCPA in a manner directly at odds with its express terms. The Debtor owns and operates a vehicle and, therefore, incurs expenses related to it. The fact that those expenses may be less than the amount Congress fixed for inclusion in the means test analysis does not mean that courts have the discretion to disallow the expense in that analysis.

� In re Ransom (Ransom v. MBNA)

S. Ct. - ___ U.S. ___ - 2010-04-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14278491619932334056
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

US Supreme Court has granted cert on this case which the 9th Cir held for the creditor, despite the clear language of the law, as written. There is a circuit split on this issue. THE COURT HAS NOT YET RULED. The issue indicator is set to what the ninth circuit court ruled. Oral argument here:

� In re Pelkey

Bankr D. Connecticut - 434 B.R. 26 - 2010-03-25 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 11407060748462484138
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

discusses split within 2nd circuit and decides in favor of allowing the expense deduction.
Debtors, who own two vehicles for which they are making no loan or lease payments, are entitled to deduct $978, the amount shown in the IRS Standards, in calculating the projected disposable income to be applied under their Plan to paying unsecured creditors.

� In re Alvarado

Bankr.E.D.Texas - ___ - 2009-10-29 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 16013413705859099032
(Type D : Does not require loan or lease, but lack of such expense may be considered when confirming chapter 13 plan )

Chapter 13 plan fails "Projected Disposable Income" test for failing to provide sufficient payments based on deduction for vehicle they owned outright. Although deduction is allowed on 22C under 5th Circuit law , Tate , court can still refuse to approve Chapter 13 plan based on consideration of "actual" expenses.Nowlin v. Peake

� In re Spears

M.D. Ala. - 415 B.R. 855 - 2009-09-24 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 18328371899771858621
(Type E : )

The court ruled that debtors get a full standard vehicle deduction, and that the court should treat the full-vehicle deduction as the presumptive vehicle ownership cost.

The court rejected the holding in In re Strickland (Bankr. M.D. Ala. 2001), that a debtor's use of the vehicle ownership deduction is inconsistent with the forward-looking nature of projected disposable income used to determine the adequacy of a Chapter 13 plan.

Court held that the standards of the means test should be applied in determining what expenses are allowed or not, while still allowing the court to look at changed circumstances -- as long as the standards applied don't change.

� In re Wenzel

Bankr.D.Kansas - 415 BR 510 - 2009-09-01 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 10021626302965474842
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

debtors are not permitted to take a vehicle ownership expense deduction on line 28 of Form 22C for a vehicle that they own free and clear of any liens and for which they make no loan payments.

Since Pearson I was vacated by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, it has no precedential value, and this Court declines to adopt its reasoning.

� In re Washburn (eCast Settlement Corp. v Washburn)

8th Cir. - 579 F.3d - 2009-08-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14996875636284168452
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

above median income debtors may take means test deduction for motor vehilcle ownership expense for cars they own free and clear

� In re Ransom (Ransom v. MBNA)

9th Cir - 577 F.3d 1026 - 2009-08-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11285133487979934947
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

Above-median income Chapter 13 debtors may not take a Means Test deduction for a vehicle ownership cost if there is no cost associated with ownership of the vehicle. "An 'ownership cost' is not an 'expense' -- either actual or applicable -- if it does not exist, period. Ironic it would be indeed to diminish payments to unsecured creditors in this context on the basis of a fictitious expense not incurred by a debtor,"

� Morse v. Rudler (In re Rudler)

1st Cir. - 576 F.3d 37 - 2009-08-05 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 7083943896071638723
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Tate

5th Cir. - 571 F.3d 423 - 2009-06-10 - 7 , No

Google ID#: 2813925579340756609
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

allowing the full IRS deduction for motor vehicle ownership where the vehicle is owned free and clear of liens

� In re Burbank

Bankr.D.R.I. - 401 B.R. 67 - 2009-02-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 9979261307469184644
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ralston

Bankr. M.D. Fla. - 400 B.R. 854 - 2009-02-10 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 12339235281904750333
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ralston

Bankr. M.D.Fla. - 400 B.R. 854 - 2009-02-10 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 12339235281904750333
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

"A question that has often arisen as courts attempt to interpret the Means Test, which has also arisen in this case, is whether such payments may be deducted in a Means Test calculation where, as here, the Debtors intend to surrender the collateral. .... Debtors may include both the Secured Debt Deduction and the Ownership Costs Deduction in their Means Test calculation."

� In re Ross-Tousey

7th Cir. - 549 F.3d 1148 - 2008-12-17 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 8721112569690193246
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Coffin

Bankr.D.Me. - 396 B.R. 804 - 2008-11-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3550144265259309589
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Baughman

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 2008 WL 4487879 - 2008-09-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7096319598713242790
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ragle

E.D.Ky. - 395 B.R. 387 - 2008-09-29 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 9231437641445369262
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Pearl

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 394 B.R. 309 - 2008-09-10 - 13/Above ,

Google ID#: 17789203493420632915
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re White

Bankr.N.D.Miss. - 393 B.R. 436 - 2008-09-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4012908366390385410
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Powell

8th Cir. BAP - 392 B.R. 407; 408 - 2008-09-02 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 5233640008767054544
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

(ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Lane

Bankr.D.Mass. - 394 B.R. 248 - 2008-08-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5076275829858408208
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Young

Bankr.D.Mass. - 392 B.R. 6 - 2008-08-08 - ,

Google ID#: 12925204282578474665
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Watkins

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 2008 WL 2475749 - 2008-08-08 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12925204282578474665
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Pearson

10th Cir. BAP - 390 B.R. 706 - 2008-07-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12477689897234592401
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re May

Bankr.S.D.Ohio - 390 B.R. 338 - 2008-07-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 984419500289301575
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Reinstein

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 393 B.R. 838 - 2008-06-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6837279503059940064
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Osei

Bankr.S.D.N.Y. - 389 B.R. 339 - 2008-06-25 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6231467005599607959
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Mati

Bankr.D.Mass. - 390 B.R. 11 - 2008-06-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4055551740041555999
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Schneider

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 2008 WL 1885768 - 2008-04-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17789203493420632915
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Egbert

Bankr.E.D.Ark. - 384 B.R. 818 - 2008-04-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11933438934621642266
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Owsley

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 739 - 2008-03-31 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7060949415295896362
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� Grossman v. Sawdy

E.D.Wis. - 384 B.R. 199 - 2008-03-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 1773959476620385810
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� United States Trustee v. Deadmond (In re Deadmond)

D.Mont. - 2008 WL 191165 - 2008-03-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15521414871175405818
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Wilson

8th Cir. BAP - 383 B.R. 729 - 2008-03-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15521414871175405818
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� Wieland v. Thomas

D.Kan. - 382 B.R. 793 - 2008-03-04 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 16942890356175394723
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re White

Bankr.C.D.Ill. - 382 B.R. 751 - 2008-02-28 - ,

Google ID#: 1614873684985616424
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Roberts

Bankr.D.Conn. - 2008 WL 542503 - 2008-02-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Clark

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 2008 WL 444565 - 2008-02-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

"Congress must have had a reason for allowing the ownership deduction in calculating the means test formula for debtors with modest [car] payments, perhaps as some courts have posited, because the debtors may need replacement transportation during the course of [bankruptcy proceedings]." Debtors who own their cars outright would have the same potential need for vehicle replacement, so we believe that they are similarly entitled to the deduction even though the deduction amount may exceed their actual costs. See id.; see also Eugene Wedoff, Means Testing in the New 707(b), 79 Am. Bankr.L.J. 231, 257 (2005) (recognizing that allowing the ownership deduction to debtors who own their cars outright "reflects the reality that a car for which the debtor no longer makes payments may soon need to be replaced (so that the debtor will have actual ownership expenses)....").

� In re Sawicki

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 2008 WL 410229 - 2008-02-12 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 8721112569690193246
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Weiderhold

Bankr.M.D.Pa. - 381 B.R. 626 - 2008-02-11 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 11887840502866195552
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Phillips

Bankr.D.Mass. - 382 B.R. 153 - 2008-02-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10086036581964979906
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Kimbro

6th Cir. BAP - 389 B.R. 518 - 2008-02-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18386070171003755604
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Meade

W.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 132 - 2008-01-24 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 6213290211880291411
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Ransom

9th Cir. BAP - 380 B.R. 799 - 2007-12-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4565212306116375743
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Canales

Bankr.C.D.Ca. - 2007 WL 3261527 - 2007-10-31 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 724945355747124957
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Thomas

Bankr.D.Kan. - Case No. 06-21108 - 2007-10-02 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#:
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Garcia

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 2007 WL 2692232 - 2007-09-11 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 4565212306116375743
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Briscoe

Bankr.D.D.C. - 374 B.R. 1 - 2007-09-04 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2342652270756947784
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Hartwick (Fokkena v. Hartwick)

D.Minn. - 373 B.R. 645 - 2007-08-20 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 17471062912668070319
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

(ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Morgan

Bankr.S.D.Fla. - 374 B.R. 353 - 2007-08-08 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 11757923069596744428
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ross-Tousey

E.D.Wis. - 368 B.R. 762 - 2007-07-21 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 2281793149401295525
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

the term "applicable" does not simply mean a debtor must only apply the Standard based on the number of cars he owns; he must apply the Standard based on how many cars for which he has monthly ownership expenses.

� In re Barrett

Bankr.S.D.Ill. - 371 B.R. 860 - 2007-07-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2703770035806932964
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Cole

Bankr.W.D.Wa. - 2007 WL 1953126 - 2007-07-03 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 2627938672847068450
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Armstrong

Bankr.E.D.Wash. - 395 B.R. 127 - 2007-07-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7202793720705933896
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Talmadge

Bankr.M.D.Pa. - 371 B.R. 96 - 2007-06-28 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 12029273696191065375
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Billie

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 2007 WL 1174132 - 2007-06-21 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 10816534535045819591
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Bennett

Bankr.C.D.Ca. - 371 B.R. 440 - 2007-06-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12204270888770185636
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Ransom

Bankr.D.Nev. - 577 F.3d 1026 - 2007-06-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4565212306116375743
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Chamberlain

Bankr.D.Ariz. - 369 B.R. 519 - 2007-05-26 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 9364586157949015935
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� Neary v. Ross-Tousey (In re Ross-Tousey)

E.D.Wis. - 368 B.R. 762 - 2007-05-21 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 2281793149401295525
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Pampas

Bankr.M.D.La. - 369 B.R. 290 - 2007-05-21 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 10165864937484990688
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Lynch

Bankr.E.D.Va. - 368 B.R. 487 - 2007-05-08 - 13. Above ,

Google ID#: 16225012122000582287
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Howell

Bankr.D.Kan. - 366 B.R. 153 - 2007-04-26 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3395589825224679560
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Swan

Bankr.N.D.Cal. - 368 B.R. 12 - 2007-04-18 - ,

Google ID#: 12617844730261016152
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Zaporski

Bankr.E.D.Mich. - 366 B.R. 758 - 2007-04-17 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 3225070862768722755
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Zaporski

Bankr.E.D.Mich. - 366 B.R. 758 - 2007-04-17 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 3225070862768722755
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

The Court concludes that Zaporski's applicable Local Standards ownership cost reductions are based on the number of vehicles Zaporski owns, not the number for which Zaporski makes payments

� In re Watson

Bankr.D.Md. - 366 B.R. 523 - 2007-04-11 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 13311662314741210620
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Rezentes

Bankr.D.Hawaii - 368 B.R. 55 - 2007-04-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13723166781579119728
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Ceasar

Bankr.W.D.La. - 364 B.R. 257 - 2007-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14923567853015211765
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Ceasar

Bankr.W.D.La. - 364 BR 25 - 2007-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14923567853015211765
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Vesper

Bankr.D.Alaska - 371 B.R. 426 - 2007-02-28 - ,

Google ID#: 16780275103926379348
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Deadmond

Bankr.D.Mont. - Case No. 06-60512 - 2007-02-27 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#:
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

(ownership expense not allowed for vehicle without lien

� In re Slusher

Bankr.D.Nev. - 359 B.R. 290 - 2007-01-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14678176868949872874
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Zak

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 361 B.R. 481 - 2007-01-12 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 1066757870234576709
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Devilliers

Bankr.E.D.La. - 358 B.R. 849 - 2007-01-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 16256252891550465601
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Haley

Bankr.D.N.H. - 354 B.R. 340 - 2006-10-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14239442210459214439
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Harris

Bankr.E.D.Okla. - 353 B.R. 304 - 2006-10-13 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 18378876260506570681
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Hartwick

Bankr.D.Minn. - 352 B.R. 867 - 2006-10-13 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 12395869896431254649
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Farrar-Johnson

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 353 B.R. 224 - 2006-09-15 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 17694754915058519033
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Fowler

Bankr.D.Del. - 349 B.R. 414 - 2006-09-11 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 16572250773284836833
(Type B : Does not require loan or lease )

� In re Carlin

Bankr.D.Or. - 348 B.R. 795 - 2006-08-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6370097065695089748
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

statute does not allow the ownership expense deduction to free and clear owners;

� In re Skaggs

Bankr.E.D.Mo. - 349 B.R. 594 - 2006-08-16 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 4047009656958785514
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Oliver

Bankr.W.D.Tex. - 350 B.R. 294 - 2006-08-08 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 11475973497620515810
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Wiggs

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 2006 WL 2246432 - 2006-08-04 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17694754915058519033
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Barraza

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 346 B.R. 724 - 2006-08-01 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 4943287364388016952
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Demonica

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 345 B.R. 895 - 2006-07-31 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 8880786506443059471
(Type C : Unlike B, must at least show some ownership expenses other than lease or loan still qualify for allowance )

� In re Lara

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 347 B.R. 198 - 2006-06-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13984253566144636428
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re McGuire

Bankr.W.D.Mo. - 342 B.R. 608 - 2006-06-01 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8353296396886357763
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

� In re Hardacre

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 338 B.R. 718 - 2006-03-06 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 336860173135816322
(Type A : Requires loan or lease obligation )

All Cases A to Z

  • Grossman v. Sawdy, 384 B.R. 199 , (E.D.Wis. ) 2008-03-17, #1773959476620385810
  • In re Alvarado, ___ , (Bankr.E.D.Texas ) 2009-10-29, #16013413705859099032
  • In re Armstrong, 395 B.R. 127 , (Bankr.E.D.Wash. ) 2007-07-02, #7202793720705933896
  • In re Barraza, 346 B.R. 724 , (Bankr.N.D.Tex. ) 2006-08-01, #4943287364388016952
  • In re Barrett, 371 B.R. 860 , (Bankr.S.D.Ill. ) 2007-07-10, #2703770035806932964
  • In re Baughman, 2008 WL 4487879 , (Bankr.N.D.Ohio ) 2008-09-30, #7096319598713242790
  • In re Bennett, 371 B.R. 440 , (Bankr.C.D.Ca. ) 2007-06-06, #12204270888770185636
  • In re Billie, 2007 WL 1174132 , (Bankr.N.D.Ohio ) 2007-06-21, #10816534535045819591
  • In re Briscoe, 374 B.R. 1 , (Bankr.D.D.C. ) 2007-09-04, #2342652270756947784
  • In re Burbank, 401 B.R. 67 , (Bankr.D.R.I. ) 2009-02-24, #9979261307469184644
  • In re Canales, 2007 WL 3261527 , (Bankr.C.D.Ca. ) 2007-10-31, #724945355747124957
  • In re Carlin, 348 B.R. 795 , (Bankr.D.Or. ) 2006-08-18, #6370097065695089748
  • In re Ceasar, 364 B.R. 257 , (Bankr.W.D.La. ) 2007-03-06, #14923567853015211765
  • In re Ceasar, 364 BR 25 , (Bankr.W.D.La. ) 2007-03-06, #14923567853015211765
  • In re Chamberlain, 369 B.R. 519 , (Bankr.D.Ariz. ) 2007-05-26, #9364586157949015935
  • In re Clark, 2008 WL 444565 , (Bankr.E.D.Wis. ) 2008-02-14, #
  • In re Coffin, 396 B.R. 804 , (Bankr.D.Me. ) 2008-11-18, #3550144265259309589
  • In re Coffin, 435 B.R. 780 , (1st Cir BAP ) 2010-09-15, #18088651949686101108
  • In re Cole, 2007 WL 1953126 , (Bankr.W.D.Wa. ) 2007-07-03, #2627938672847068450
  • In re Deadmond, Case No. 06-60512 , (Bankr.D.Mont. ) 2007-02-27, #
  • In re Demonica, 345 B.R. 895 , (Bankr.N.D.Ill. ) 2006-07-31, #8880786506443059471
  • In re Devilliers, 358 B.R. 849 , (Bankr.E.D.La. ) 2007-01-09, #16256252891550465601
  • In re Egbert, 384 B.R. 818 , (Bankr.E.D.Ark. ) 2008-04-10, #11933438934621642266
  • In re Farrar-Johnson, 353 B.R. 224 , (Bankr.N.D.Ill. ) 2006-09-15, #17694754915058519033
  • In re Fowler, 349 B.R. 414 , (Bankr.D.Del. ) 2006-09-11, #16572250773284836833
  • In re Garcia, 2007 WL 2692232 , (Bankr.D.Ariz. ) 2007-09-11, #4565212306116375743
  • In re Haley, 354 B.R. 340 , (Bankr.D.N.H. ) 2006-10-18, #14239442210459214439
  • In re Hardacre, 338 B.R. 718 , (Bankr.N.D.Tex. ) 2006-03-06, #336860173135816322
  • In re Harris, 353 B.R. 304 , (Bankr.E.D.Okla. ) 2006-10-13, #18378876260506570681
  • In re Hartwick, 352 B.R. 867 , (Bankr.D.Minn. ) 2006-10-13, #12395869896431254649
  • In re Hartwick (Fokkena v. Hartwick), 373 B.R. 645 , (D.Minn. ) 2007-08-20, #17471062912668070319
  • In re Howell, 366 B.R. 153 , (Bankr.D.Kan. ) 2007-04-26, #3395589825224679560
  • In re Kimbro, 389 B.R. 518 , (6th Cir. BAP ) 2008-02-06, #18386070171003755604
  • In re Lane, 394 B.R. 248 , (Bankr.D.Mass. ) 2008-08-19, #5076275829858408208
  • In re Lara, 347 B.R. 198 , (Bankr.N.D.Tex. ) 2006-06-28, #13984253566144636428
  • In re Lynch, 368 B.R. 487 , (Bankr.E.D.Va. ) 2007-05-08, #16225012122000582287
  • In re Mati, 390 B.R. 11 , (Bankr.D.Mass. ) 2008-06-09, #4055551740041555999
  • In re May, 390 B.R. 338 , (Bankr.S.D.Ohio ) 2008-07-07, #984419500289301575
  • In re McGuire, 342 B.R. 608 , (Bankr.W.D.Mo. ) 2006-06-01, #8353296396886357763
  • In re Meade, 384 B.R. 132 , (W.D.Tex. ) 2008-01-24, #6213290211880291411
  • In re Morgan, 374 B.R. 353 , (Bankr.S.D.Fla. ) 2007-08-08, #11757923069596744428
  • In re Oliver, 350 B.R. 294 , (Bankr.W.D.Tex. ) 2006-08-08, #11475973497620515810
  • In re Osei, 389 B.R. 339 , (Bankr.S.D.N.Y. ) 2008-06-25, #6231467005599607959
  • In re Owsley, 384 B.R. 739 , (Bankr.N.D.Tex. ) 2008-03-31, #7060949415295896362
  • In re Pampas, 369 B.R. 290 , (Bankr.M.D.La. ) 2007-05-21, #10165864937484990688
  • In re Pearl, 394 B.R. 309 , (Bankr.N.D.N.Y. ) 2008-09-10, #17789203493420632915
  • In re Pearson, 390 B.R. 706 , (10th Cir. BAP ) 2008-07-28, #12477689897234592401
  • In re Pelkey, 434 B.R. 26 , (Bankr D. Connecticut ) 2010-03-25, #11407060748462484138
  • In re Phillips, 382 B.R. 153 , (Bankr.D.Mass. ) 2008-02-07, #10086036581964979906
  • In re Powell, 392 B.R. 407; 408 , (8th Cir. BAP ) 2008-09-02, #5233640008767054544
  • In re Ragle, 395 B.R. 387 , (E.D.Ky. ) 2008-09-29, #9231437641445369262
  • In re Ralston, 400 B.R. 854 , (Bankr. M.D. Fla. ) 2009-02-10, #12339235281904750333
  • In re Ralston, 400 B.R. 854 , (Bankr. M.D.Fla. ) 2009-02-10, #12339235281904750333
  • In re Ransom, 380 B.R. 799 , (9th Cir. BAP ) 2007-12-27, #4565212306116375743
  • In re Ransom, 577 F.3d 1026 , (Bankr.D.Nev. ) 2007-06-06, #4565212306116375743
  • In re Ransom (Ransom v. MBNA), 577 F.3d 1026 , (9th Cir ) 2009-08-14, #11285133487979934947
  • In re Ransom (Ransom v. MBNA), ___ U.S. ___ , (S. Ct. ) 2010-04-19, #14278491619932334056
  • In re Reinstein, 393 B.R. 838 , (Bankr.E.D.Wis. ) 2008-06-28, #6837279503059940064
  • In re Rezentes, 368 B.R. 55 , (Bankr.D.Hawaii ) 2007-04-02, #13723166781579119728
  • In re Roberts, 2008 WL 542503 , (Bankr.D.Conn. ) 2008-02-28, #
  • In re Ross-Tousey, 549 F.3d 1148 , (7th Cir. ) 2008-12-17, #8721112569690193246
  • In re Ross-Tousey, 368 B.R. 762 , (E.D.Wis. ) 2007-07-21, #2281793149401295525
  • In re Sawicki, 2008 WL 410229 , (Bankr.D.Ariz. ) 2008-02-12, #8721112569690193246
  • In re Schneider, 2008 WL 1885768 , (Bankr.N.D.N.Y. ) 2008-04-28, #17789203493420632915
  • In re Skaggs, 349 B.R. 594 , (Bankr.E.D.Mo. ) 2006-08-16, #4047009656958785514
  • In re Slusher, 359 B.R. 290 , (Bankr.D.Nev. ) 2007-01-17, #14678176868949872874
  • In re Spears, 415 B.R. 855 , (M.D. Ala. ) 2009-09-24, #18328371899771858621
  • In re Swan, 368 B.R. 12 , (Bankr.N.D.Cal. ) 2007-04-18, #12617844730261016152
  • In re Talmadge, 371 B.R. 96 , (Bankr.M.D.Pa. ) 2007-06-28, #12029273696191065375
  • In re Tate, 571 F.3d 423 , (5th Cir. ) 2009-06-10, #2813925579340756609
  • In re Thomas, Case No. 06-21108 , (Bankr.D.Kan. ) 2007-10-02, #
  • In re Vesper, 371 B.R. 426 , (Bankr.D.Alaska ) 2007-02-28, #16780275103926379348
  • In re Washburn (eCast Settlement Corp. v Washburn), 579 F.3d , (8th Cir. ) 2009-08-28, #14996875636284168452
  • In re Watkins, 2008 WL 2475749 , (Bankr.D.Ariz. ) 2008-08-08, #12925204282578474665
  • In re Watson, 366 B.R. 523 , (Bankr.D.Md. ) 2007-04-11, #13311662314741210620
  • In re Weiderhold, 381 B.R. 626 , (Bankr.M.D.Pa. ) 2008-02-11, #11887840502866195552
  • In re Wenzel, 415 BR 510 , (Bankr.D.Kansas ) 2009-09-01, #10021626302965474842
  • In re White, 382 B.R. 751 , (Bankr.C.D.Ill. ) 2008-02-28, #1614873684985616424
  • In re White, 393 B.R. 436 , (Bankr.N.D.Miss. ) 2008-09-09, #4012908366390385410
  • In re Wiggs, 2006 WL 2246432 , (Bankr.N.D.Ill. ) 2006-08-04, #17694754915058519033
  • In re Wilkerson, , (Bankr DDC ) 2015-06-25, #6406254529422758925
  • In re Wilson, 383 B.R. 729 , (8th Cir. BAP ) 2008-03-14, #15521414871175405818
  • In re Young, 392 B.R. 6 , (Bankr.D.Mass. ) 2008-08-08, #12925204282578474665
  • In re Zak, 361 B.R. 481 , (Bankr.N.D.Ohio ) 2007-01-12, #1066757870234576709
  • In re Zaporski, 366 B.R. 758 , (Bankr.E.D.Mich. ) 2007-04-17, #3225070862768722755
  • In re Zaporski, 366 B.R. 758 , (Bankr.E.D.Mich. ) 2007-04-17, #3225070862768722755
  • Morse v. Rudler (In re Rudler), 576 F.3d 37 , (1st Cir. ) 2009-08-05, #7083943896071638723
  • Neary v. Ross-Tousey (In re Ross-Tousey), 368 B.R. 762 , (E.D.Wis. ) 2007-05-21, #2281793149401295525
  • Ransom v. FIA Card Services, 131 S. Ct. 716 - Supreme Court 2011 , (S.Ct ) 2011-01-11, #14278491619932334056
  • United States Trustee v. Deadmond (In re Deadmond), 2008 WL 191165 , (D.Mont. ) 2008-03-14, #15521414871175405818
  • Wieland v. Thomas, 382 B.R. 793 , (D.Kan. ) 2008-03-04, #16942890356175394723


How to use case law (it can be tricky)

If you're not familiar with what "case law" is, and how to use it, check out Chapter 7 of Nolo's LegalResearch: How to Find and Understand the Law for a guide to how to read through a case to get the parts that matter.

Also, you need to be familiar with the concept of "jurisdiction." Here are some helpful links:

When you read a case, check to make sure that the case's decision applies to your local district. Do this by looking at which court has decided the case -- either the U.S. Supreme Court, a court of appeal (listed here in large type), or a district court (listed in small type).  Your local district court judge is not bound to follow the opinion of judges from other district courts, but often they look to these cases for advice. Your local district, however, is bound  to follow decisions in cases from it governing circuit court. You'll see fairly few Supreme Court case here, but those cases are also binding on all districts."

Are these all the bankruptcy cases there are?

NO! NO! NO! This is a start for your research. New cases are constantly being decided. I update this when I have time. This is only a fraction of the actual published opinions out there. Dozens of cases are handed down nationwide every week. I catalog interesting ones when I have time. They are meant to serve as a starting point for your research -- NOT as a comprehensive listing of the current state of the law.


DISCLAIMER. By using this database you acknowledge and agree to the following:

This database does not contain every relevant case in every district on the topics covered; there are high priced services for that. This is free. It is offered to the public "as is" as an adjunct to the Nolo books, How to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Keep Your Property and Repay Your Debts Over Time (10th Edition, 2010): which I co-author with attorney Stephen Elias.

This database is updated as time permits. Do not assume that it has the latest case in your district. We are still filling holes in the database -- and will always be. Use it as a place to start your reasearch, rather than the final answer to your question.

Some of these issues involve the discretion of the judge which can vary from judge to judge. So, even if you find a case just like yours where a judge went your way, as they say in the car biz, "your mileage may vary..."

If you're not familiar with what "case law" is, and how to use it, check out Chapter 7 of Nolo's LegalResearch: How to Find and Understand the Law for a guide to how to read through a case to get the parts that matter.

For more help, click the "?" tab.