Adjustments of Exemption Amounts for Inflation

Exemption Inflation Adjustments - 2023 - State by State

The Federal Government adjusts Federal exemption amounts every three years. Does South Dakota adjust exemption amounts?
Updated: 2023-01-17
Can I Use the Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions in South Dakota?
South Dakota Homestead Exemption

Revised Federal Bankruptcy Exemption Amounts As of April 1, 2022

The federal bankruptcy exemptions are revised every three years. The last change was in 2019 and now they are changing again in 2022. The next change will be in 2025.

The following are the new Federal Bankruptcy exemption amounts, effective April 1:

Exemption: Amount
Homestead  - § 522(d)(1) $27,900
Motor Vehicle  - § 522(d)(2)    $4,450
Household Goods  - § 522(d)(3)
- Per Item Limit
- Aggregate Limit

Jewelry  - § 522(d)(4)    $1,875
Wild Card  - § 522(d)(5) 
- Any property
- Unused homestead under § 522(d)(1)
Tools of the Trade -  § 522(d)(6)    $2,800
Unmatured Life Insurance - § 522(d)(8)  $14,875
Personal Injury Claims - § 522(d)(11)(D)  $27,900

State Exemption Law Inflation Changes

Some states (Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, California, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, and South Carolina) periodically adjust their statutory exemption limits for inflation.

See the table below for more details. 



Jurisdictional relevance: ST

There are versions of this article for each State.

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