Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← South Dakota Insurance — Life, Disability Exemptions

Exemption: Life insurance proceeds to $10,000, if beneficiary is surviving spouse or child

Citation: Stat. - S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-45-6

S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-45-6 :
43-45-6. Proceeds of life insurance payable to estate of decedent--Rights of surviving spouse or minor children--Amount of exemption--Payment discharging insurer from liability

The proceeds of any insurance upon the life of any person residing in this state, at the time of his death and who leaves a surviving widow, husband, or minor child or children, payable upon his death to his estate, executor, or administrator, and not assigned to any other person, shall, to any amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars, inure to the use of such surviving widow, husband, minor child or children; and such amount shall not be subject to the payment of any debt of such decedent, or of such surviving widow, husband, minor child or children. Whenever the proceeds of such insurance become payable and the insurer makes payment thereof to the administrator or executor of the estate of such person, such payment shall fully discharge the insurer from all claims under the policy or contract, and such insurer need not follow the distribution of such payment.
Last Amended: 1959
Source: SL 1895, ch 89; RCCivP 1903, � 348; RC 1919, � 2661; SL 1923, ch 148; SDC 1939, � 51.1805; SL 1959, ch 280.
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50 State Insurance — Life, Disability Exemptions