Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Utah Public Benefits Exemptions

Exemption: Workers' compensation

Citation: Stat. - Utah Code Ann. § 34A-2-422

Utah Code Ann. § 34A-2-422 :
Chapter 2. Workers' Compensation Act (Refs & Annos)

Part 4. Compensation and Benefits

� 34A-2-422. Compensation exempt from execution

Compensation before payment shall be exempt from all claims of creditors, and from attachment or execution, and shall be paid only to employees or their dependents, except as provided in Sections 26-19-5 and 34A-2-417.
Last Amended: 2007
Laws 1917, c. 100, � 85; Laws 1996, c. 240, � 165, eff. July 1, 1997;
Laws 1997, c. 375, � 130, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws 2004, c. 72, � 9, eff.
May 3, 2004; Laws 2007, c. 63, � 1, eff. April 30, 2007.

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