Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Maryland Homestead Exemptions

Exemption: Owner occupied residential property or condo or co-op or or a manufactured home that has been converted to real property pursuant to Real Property § 8B-201, to $27,900 (husband and wife may not double), can only be claimed once every 8 years. (Note:Maryland homestead cap is equal to the Federal inflation-adjusted homestead amount, as of April 1, 2022, adjusted for inflation every 3 years.)

Citation: Stat. - Md. Code Ann., [Cts. & Jud. Proc.] § 11-504 (f)

Md. Code Ann., [Cts. & Jud. Proc.] § 11-504 (f):
Effective: April 5, 2018
MD Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings, § 11-504
§ 11-504. Items excluded from execution of judgment
Value defined
(a) In this section, “value” means fair market value as of the date upon which the execution or other judicial process becomes effective against the property of the debtor, or the date of filing the petition under the federal Bankruptcy Code.1
Items exempt from execution on judgment
(b) The following items are exempt from execution on a judgment:
(1) Wearing apparel, books, tools, instruments, or appliances, in an amount not to exceed $5,000 in value necessary for the practice of any trade or profession except those kept for sale, lease, or barter.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (i) of this section, money payable in the event of sickness, accident, injury, or death of any person, including compensation for loss of future earnings. This exemption includes but is not limited to money payable on account of judgments, arbitrations, compromises, insurance, benefits, compensation, and relief. Disability income benefits are not exempt if the judgment is for necessities contracted for after the disability is incurred.
(3) Professionally prescribed health aids for the debtor or any dependent of the debtor.
(4) The debtor's interest, not to exceed $1,000 in value, in household furnishings, household goods, wearing apparel, appliances, books, animals kept as pets, and other items that are held primarily for the personal, family, or household use of the debtor or any dependent of the debtor.
(5) Cash or property of any kind equivalent in value to $6,000 is exempt, if within 30 days from the date of the attachment or the levy by the sheriff, the debtor elects to exempt cash or selected items of property in an amount not to exceed a cumulative value of $6,000.
(6) Money payable or paid in accordance with an agreement or court order for child support.
(7) Money payable or paid in accordance with an agreement or court order for alimony to the same extent that wages are exempt from attachment under § 15-601.1(b)(1)(ii) or (2)(i) of the Commercial Law Article.
(8) The debtor's beneficial interest in any trust property that is immune from the claims of the debtor's creditors under § 14.5-511 of the Estates and Trusts Article.
(9) With respect to claims by a separate creditor of a husband or wife, trust property that is immune from the claims of the separate creditors of the husband or wife under § 14.5-511 of the Estates and Trusts Article.
Appraisal of property
(c)(1) In order to determine whether the property listed in subsection (b)(4) and (5) of this section is subject to execution, the sheriff shall appraise the property at the time of levy. The sheriff shall return the appraisal with the writ.
(2) An appraisal made by the sheriff under this subsection is subject to review by the court on motion of the debtor.
(3) Procedures will be as prescribed by rules issued by the Court of Appeals.
Waiver of exemptions
(d) The debtor may not waive, by cognovit note or otherwise, the provisions of subsections (b) and (h) of this section.
Wage attachments
(e) The exemptions in this section do not apply to wage attachments.
Interests in property
(f)(1)(i) In addition to the exemptions provided in subsection (b) of this section, and in other statutes of this State, in any proceeding under Title 11 of the United States Code, entitled “Bankruptcy”, any individual debtor domiciled in this State may exempt the debtor's aggregate interest in:
1. Personal property, up to $5,000; and
2. Subject to subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph:
A. Owner-occupied residential real property, including a condominium unit or a manufactured home that has been converted to real property in accordance with § 8B-201 of the Real Property Article; or
B. A cooperative housing corporation that owns property that the debtor occupies as a residence.
(ii) The exemption allowed under subparagraph (i)2 of this paragraph may not exceed the amount under 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(1), adjusted in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 104, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection.
(2) An individual may not claim the exemption under paragraph (1)(i)2 of this subsection on a particular property if:
(i) The individual has claimed successfully the exemption on the property within 8 years prior to the filing of the bankruptcy proceeding in which the exemption under this subsection is claimed; or
(ii) The individual's spouse, child, child's spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild has claimed successfully the exemption on the property within 8 years prior to the filing of the bankruptcy proceeding in which the exemption under this subsection is claimed.
(3) The exemption under paragraph (1)(i)2 of this subsection may not be claimed by both a husband and wife in the same bankruptcy proceeding.
Federal exemptions provided by Bankruptcy Code
(g) In any bankruptcy proceeding, a debtor is not entitled to the federal exemptions provided by § 522(d) of the federal Bankruptcy Code.2
Claims by Maryland Department of Health
(h)(1) In addition to the exemptions provided in subsections (b) and (f) of this section and any other provisions of law, any money or other assets payable to a participant or beneficiary from, or any interest of any participant or beneficiary in, a retirement plan qualified under § 401(a), § 403(a), § 403(b), § 408, § 408A, § 414(d), or § 414(e) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or § 409 (as in effect prior to January 1984) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, shall be exempt from any and all claims of the creditors of the beneficiary or participant, other than claims by the Maryland Department of Health.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection does not apply to:
(i) An alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, as defined in § 414(p) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
(ii) A retirement plan, qualified under § 401(a) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as a creditor of an individual retirement account qualified under § 408 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; or
(iii) The assets of a bankruptcy case filed before January 1, 1988.
(3) The interest of an alternate payee in a plan described under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be exempt from any and all claims of any creditor of the alternate payee, except claims by the Maryland Department of Health.
(4) If a contribution to a retirement plan described under paragraph (1) of this subsection exceeds the amount deductible or, in the case of contribution under § 408A of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum contribution allowed under the applicable provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the portion of that contribution that exceeds the amount deductible or, in the case of contribution under § 408A of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum contribution allowed, and any accrued earnings on such a portion, are not exempt under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
Net recovery defined
(i)(1) In this subsection, “net recovery” means the sum of money to be distributed to the debtor after deduction of attorney's fees, expenses, medical bills, and satisfaction of any liens or subrogation claims arising out of the claims for personal injury, including those arising under:
(i) The Medicare Secondary Payer Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1395y;
(ii) A program of the Maryland Department of Health for which a right of subrogation exists under §§ 15-120 and 15-121.1 of the Health--General Article;
(iii) An employee benefit plan subject to the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; or
(iv) A health insurance contract.
(2) Twenty-five percent of the net recovery by the debtor on a claim for personal injury is subject to execution on a judgment for a child support arrearage.
Last Amended: 2018
Added by Acts 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., c. 2, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1974, c. 316; Acts 1975, c. 430; Acts 1976, c. 383, § 1; Acts 1977, c. 356; Acts 1980, c. 546; Acts 1981, c. 765; Acts 1982, c. 703; Acts 1983, c. 175; Acts 1983, c. 554; Acts 1984, c. 255; Acts 1988, c. 613; Acts 1989, c. 549; Acts 1998, c. 375, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1998; Acts 2003, c. 21, § 1, eff. April 8, 2003; Acts 2004, c. 463, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2004; Acts 2007, c. 238, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2007; Acts 2010, c. 202, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2010; Acts 2010, c. 349, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2010; Acts 2010, c. 350, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2010; Acts 2011, c. 32, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2011; Acts 2011, c. 603, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2011; Acts 2013, c. 43, § 1, eff. April 9, 2013; Acts 2014, c. 45, § 5; Acts 2014, c. 109, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2014; Acts 2017, c. 62, § 6; Acts 2018, c. 12, § 1, eff. April 5, 2018.
  • Other State Citations
  • Other States on this topic

Other Maryland Exemption Citations

50 State Homestead Exemptions

  • Alaska Stat. § 09.38.010 (a) - $72,900 (joint owners may each claim a portion, but total can't exceed $72,900)
  • Alaska Admin. Code tit. 8, § 95.030 (a) - $72,900 (joint owners may each claim a portion, but total can't exceed $72,900)
  • Ala. Code § 6-10-2 - Real property or mobile home to $18,800 (Increased to $18,800 on April 1, 2024); property cannot exceed 160 acres (husband & wife may double)
  • Ala. Code § 6-10-20 - Must record homestead declaration before attempted sale of home
  • Ala. Code § 6-10-4 - Real property or mobile home to $18,800 (Increased to $18,800 on April 1, 2024); property cannot exceed 160 acres (husband & wife may double)
  • Ark. Const. Art. 9, § 3 - 1. For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4—1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Ark. Const. Art. 9, § 4 - 1. For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4—1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Ark. Const. Art. 9, § 5 - 1. For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4—1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Ark. Code Ann. § 16-66-210 - 1. For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4—1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Ark. Code Ann. § 16-66-218 (b)(3), (4) - 1. For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4—1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • In re Stevens, 829 F.2d 693 (8th Cir. 1987) - 1. For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4—1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Ark. Code Ann. § 16-66-218 (a)(1) - 2. Real or personal property used as residence to $800 if single; $1,250 if married
  • Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 33-1101 (A) - Real property, an apartment, or mobile home you occupy to $400,000; sale proceeds exempt 18 months after sale or until new home purchased, whichever occurs first (husband & wife may not double)
  • Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 33-1102 - May record homestead declaration to clarify which one of multiple eligible parcels is being claimed as homestead
  • In re Talmadge, 832 F.2d 1120 (9th Cir 1987) - Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $31,950; unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 704.710 - The amount of the homestead exemption is the greater of the following: (1) The countywide median sale price for a single-family home in the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the judgment debtor claims the exemption, not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars ($678,391*). (2) Three hundred thousand dollars ($339,196*). (* adjusted annually for inflation, beginning on January 1, 2022.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 704.720 - The amount of the homestead exemption is the greater of the following: (1) The countywide median sale price for a single-family home in the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the judgment debtor claims the exemption, not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars ($678,391*). (2) Three hundred thousand dollars ($339,196*). (* adjusted annually for inflation, beginning on January 1, 2022.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 704.730 - The amount of the homestead exemption is the greater of the following: (1) The countywide median sale price for a single-family home in the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the judgment debtor claims the exemption, not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars ($678,391*). (2) Three hundred thousand dollars ($339,196*). (* adjusted annually for inflation, beginning on January 1, 2022.
  • In re McFall, 112 B.R. 336 (9th Cir. B.A.P. 1990) - The amount of the homestead exemption is the greater of the following: (1) The countywide median sale price for a single-family home in the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the judgment debtor claims the exemption, not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars ($678,391*). (2) Three hundred thousand dollars ($339,196*). (* adjusted annually for inflation, beginning on January 1, 2022.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 704.920 - May file homestead declaration to protect exemption amount from attachment of judicial liens and to protect proceeds of voluntary sale for 6 months.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 704.950 - May file homestead declaration to protect exemption amount from attachment of judicial liens and to protect proceeds of voluntary sale for 6 months.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 704.960 - May file homestead declaration to protect exemption amount from attachment of judicial liens and to protect proceeds of voluntary sale for 6 months.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 703.150 (c) - The amount of the homestead exemption is the greater of the following: (1) The countywide median sale price for a single-family home in the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the judgment debtor claims the exemption, not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars ($678,391*). (2) Three hundred thousand dollars ($339,196*). (* adjusted annually for inflation, beginning on January 1, 2022.
  • Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 703.140 (b)(1) - Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $31,950; unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
  • Colo. Rev. Stat. 38-41-204 - Spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption
  • Colo. Rev. Stat. § 38-41-201 - Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $250,000; $350,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 3 years after received if kept separate and apart from other moneys. (husband & wife may double). Includes all dwellings including manufactured homes, a vehicle and any trailer, water vessel, camper coach, mounted equipment, railway car, shipping or cargo container, shed, or tiny home (with or without wheels).
  • Colo. Rev. Stat. § 38-41-201.6 - Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $250,000; $350,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 3 years after received if kept separate and apart from other moneys. (husband & wife may double). Includes all dwellings including manufactured homes, a vehicle and any trailer, water vessel, camper coach, mounted equipment, railway car, shipping or cargo container, shed, or tiny home (with or without wheels).
  • Colo. Rev. Stat. § 38-41-203 - Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $250,000; $350,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 3 years after received if kept separate and apart from other moneys. (husband & wife may double). Includes all dwellings including manufactured homes, a vehicle and any trailer, water vessel, camper coach, mounted equipment, railway car, shipping or cargo container, shed, or tiny home (with or without wheels).
  • Colo. Rev. Stat. § 38-41-207 - Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $250,000; $350,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 3 years after received if kept separate and apart from other moneys. (husband & wife may double). Includes all dwellings including manufactured homes, a vehicle and any trailer, water vessel, camper coach, mounted equipment, railway car, shipping or cargo container, shed, or tiny home (with or without wheels).
  • In re Pastrana, 216 B.R. 948 (Colo. 1998) - Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $250,000; $350,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 3 years after received if kept separate and apart from other moneys. (husband & wife may double). Includes all dwellings including manufactured homes, a vehicle and any trailer, water vessel, camper coach, mounted equipment, railway car, shipping or cargo container, shed, or tiny home (with or without wheels).
  • Colo. Rev. Stat. § 38-41-201.7 - Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $250,000; $350,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 3 years after received if kept separate and apart from other moneys. (husband & wife may double). Includes all dwellings including manufactured homes, a vehicle and any trailer, water vessel, camper coach, mounted equipment, railway car, shipping or cargo container, shed, or tiny home (with or without wheels).
  • Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 52-352a (e) - Real property, co-op, including mobile or manufactured home, to $250,000. (Effective October 1, 2021. See: PA 21-161—HB 6466)
  • Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 52-352b (t) - Real property, co-op, including mobile or manufactured home, to $250,000. (Effective October 1, 2021. See: PA 21-161—HB 6466)
  • D.C. Code Ann. § 15-501 (a)(14) - Any property used as a residence or co-op that debtor or debtor's dependent uses as a residence
  • In re Hovatter, 25 B.R. 123 (D. Del.Bankr. 1982) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Del. Code Ann. tit. 10, § 4914 (c)(1) - Equity in real property or equity in a manufactured home that is debtors principal residence not to exceed $125,000. (joint filers may not double)
  • In re Kelley, 361 B.R. 629 (D.Del 2004) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Fla. Stat. Ann. § 222.01 - Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
  • Fla. Stat. Ann. § 222.02 - Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
  • Fla. Stat. Ann. § 222.03 - Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
  • Fla. Stat. Ann. § 222.05 - Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
  • Fla. Const. Art.10, 4 - Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
  • In re Colwell, 196 F.3d 1225 (11th Cir. 1999) - Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
  • Fla. Stat. Ann. § 222.01 - May file homestead declaration
  • Havoco of America, Ltd. v. Hill, 197 F.3d 1135 (11th Cir Fla. 1999) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • In re Taylor, 320 B.R. 214 (Bkrtcy.N.D.Ga., 2005) - Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $21,500 ($43,000 if married, and the property is solely owned by one spouse); up to $5,000 of unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
  • Ga. Code Ann. § 44-13-100 (a)(1); - Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $21,500 ($43,000 if married, and the property is solely owned by one spouse); up to $5,000 of unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
  • Ga. Code Ann. § 44-13-100 (a)(6) - Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $21,500 ($43,000 if married, and the property is solely owned by one spouse); up to $5,000 of unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
  • Haw. Rev. Stat. § 651-93 - Head of family or over 65 to $30,000; all others to $20,000; property cannot exceed 1 acre; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Haw. Rev. Stat. § 651-91 - Head of family or over 65 to $30,000; all others to $20,000; property cannot exceed 1 acre; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Haw. Rev. Stat. § 651-92 - Head of family or over 65 to $30,000; all others to $20,000; property cannot exceed 1 acre; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Haw. Rev. Stat. § 651-96 - Head of family or over 65 to $30,000; all others to $20,000; property cannot exceed 1 acre; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Iowa Code § 561.4 - May record homestead declaration
  • Iowa Code § 499A.18 - Real property or an apartment to an unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1/2 acre in town or city, 40 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Iowa Code § 561.2 - Real property or an apartment to an unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1/2 acre in town or city, 40 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Iowa Code § 561.16 - Real property or an apartment to an unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1/2 acre in town or city, 40 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Idaho Code § 55-1004 - Must record homestead exemption for property that is not yet occupied
  • Idaho Code § 55-1001 - Real property or mobile home to $175,000*; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months (husband and wife may not double) (* increased from $100,000 - March 2020)
  • Idaho Code § 55-1003 - Real property or mobile home to $175,000*; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months (husband and wife may not double) (* increased from $100,000 - March 2020)
  • Idaho Code § 55-1113 - Real property or mobile home to $175,000*; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months (husband and wife may not double) (* increased from $100,000 - March 2020)
  • 735 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/12-902 - Spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption
  • 735 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/12-901 - Real or personal property including a farm, lot, & buildings, condo, co-op, or mobile home to $15,000 (husband and wife may double); sale proceeds exempt for 1 year
  • 735 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/12-906 - Real or personal property including a farm, lot, & buildings, condo, co-op, or mobile home to $15,000 (husband and wife may double); sale proceeds exempt for 1 year
  • Ind. Code Ann. § 34-55-10-2.5 - Real or personal property used as residence to $22,750* (husband and wife may double); (*adjusted for inflation every six years)
  • Ind. Code Ann. § 34-55-10-2 (c)(5) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts incurred by only one spouse
  • Ind. Code Ann. § 34-55-10-2 (c)(1) - Real or personal property used as residence to $22,750* (husband and wife may double); (*adjusted for inflation every six years)
  • Ind. Code Ann. § 34-55-10-2 (c) - Real or personal property used as residence to $22,750* (husband and wife may double); (*adjusted for inflation every six years)
  • Kan. Stat. Ann. § 60-2301 - Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm. (New in 2011: If existing homestead land is annexed by city, homestead retains its prior protection despite annexation.)
  • Kan. Const. art. 15 § 9 - Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm. (New in 2011: If existing homestead land is annexed by city, homestead retains its prior protection despite annexation.)
  • Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 427.090 - Real or personal property used as residence to $5,000; sale proceeds exempt
  • Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 427.060 - Real or personal property used as residence to $5,000; sale proceeds exempt
  • La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 20:1 (A)(1),(2),(3) - Property you occupy to $35,000 (if debt is result of catastrophic or terminal illness or injury, limit is full value of property as of 1 year before filing); cannot exceed 5 acres in city or town, 200 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13:3881 - Disaster relief insurance proceeds for exempt property
  • La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 20:1 (B) - Spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption; spouse given home in divorce gets homestead
  • Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 188, § 1 - Automatic homestead $125,000; "Declared homestead" to $500,000 for property you occupy or intend to occupy (including mobile home); (co-owners may not double) (special rules if over 62 or disabled, may double to 1,000,00).
  • Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 188, § 2 - Automatic homestead $125,000; "Declared homestead" to $500,000 for property you occupy or intend to occupy (including mobile home); (co-owners may not double) (special rules if over 62 or disabled, may double to 1,000,00).
  • Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 188, § 5 - Automatic homestead $125,000; "Declared homestead" to $500,000 for property you occupy or intend to occupy (including mobile home); (co-owners may not double) (special rules if over 62 or disabled, may double to 1,000,00).
  • In re Peirce, 467 B.R. 260 (Bankr.D.Minn. 2012) - Automatic homestead $125,000; "Declared homestead" to $500,000 for property you occupy or intend to occupy (including mobile home); (co-owners may not double) (special rules if over 62 or disabled, may double to 1,000,00).
  • Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 188, § 2 - Special rules for elderly and disabled.
  • Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 188, § 7 - Spouse or children of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption
  • Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 209, § 1 - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debt for non-necessity owed by only one spouse.
  • In re Birney, 200 F.3d 225 (4th Cir. 1999) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety is exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Md. Code Ann., [Cts. & Jud. Proc.] § 11-504 (f) - Owner occupied residential property or condo or co-op or or a manufactured home that has been converted to real property pursuant to Real Property § 8B-201, to $27,900 (husband and wife may not double), can only be claimed once every 8 years. (Note:Maryland homestead cap is equal to the Federal inflation-adjusted homestead amount, as of April 1, 2022, adjusted for inflation every 3 years.)
  • Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 14, § 4422 (1) - Real or personal property (including cooperative) used as residence to $80,00; if debtor has minor dependents in residence, to $160,000; if debtor over age 60 or physically or mentally disabled, $160,000 (joint debtors in this category may double); proceeds of sale exempt for six months
  • In re Lindstrom, 331 B.R. 267 (E.D. Mich. 2006) - Real property including condo to $46,125, $69,200 if 65 or older or disabled; property cannot exceed 1 lot in town, village, city, or 40 acres elsewhere; spouse or children of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption. Spouses or unmarried co-owners may not double.
  • Mich. Comp. Laws § 600.5451 (1)(m) - Real property including condo to $46,125, $69,200 if 65 or older or disabled; property cannot exceed 1 lot in town, village, city, or 40 acres elsewhere; spouse or children of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption. Spouses or unmarried co-owners may not double.
  • Vinson v. Dakmak, 347 B.R. 620 (E.D. Mich 2006) - Real property including condo to $46,125, $69,200 if 65 or older or disabled; property cannot exceed 1 lot in town, village, city, or 40 acres elsewhere; spouse or children of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption. Spouses or unmarried co-owners may not double.
  • In re Tveten, 402 N.W.2d 551 (Minn 1987) - Only reasonable amount may be exempted.
  • In re Medill, 119 B.R. 685 (D.Minn 1990) - Only reasonable amount may be exempted.
  • Minn. Stat. Ann. § 510.01 - Home and land on which it is situated to $510,000; if homestead is used for agricultural purposes, $1,275,000; cannot exceed 1/2 acre in city, 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Minn. Stat. Ann. § 510.02 - Home and land on which it is situated to $510,000; if homestead is used for agricultural purposes, $1,275,000; cannot exceed 1/2 acre in city, 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
  • Minn. Stat. Ann. § 550.37 subd. 12 - Manufactured home to an unlimited value
  • In re Eads, 271 B.R. 371 (Bkrtcy. W.D. Mo. 2002) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Mo. Rev. Stat. § 513.430 1.(6) - Real property to $15,000 or mobile home to $5,000 (joint owners may not double)
  • Mo. Rev. Stat. § 513.475 - Real property to $15,000 or mobile home to $5,000 (joint owners may not double)
  • In re Smith,, 254 B.R. 751 (W.D. Mo. 2000) - Real property to $15,000 or mobile home to $5,000 (joint owners may not double)
  • In re Hurd, 441 BR 116 (BAP 8th Cir 2010) - Real property to $15,000 or mobile home to $5,000 (joint owners may not double)
  • Miss. Code Ann. § 85-3-1 (b)(i) - Property you own & occupy to $75,000; if over 60 and married or widowed may claim a former residence; property cannot exceed 160 acres; sale proceeds exempt
  • Miss. Code Ann. § 85-3-21 - Property you own & occupy to $75,000; if over 60 and married or widowed may claim a former residence; property cannot exceed 160 acres; sale proceeds exempt
  • Miss. Code Ann. § 85-3-23 - Property you own & occupy to $75,000; if over 60 and married or widowed may claim a former residence; property cannot exceed 160 acres; sale proceeds exempt
  • In re Cobbins, 234 B.R. 882 (S.D. Miss. 1999) - Mobile home does not qualify as homestead unless you own land on which it is located (see personal property)
  • Miss. Code Ann. § 85-3-27 - May file homestead declaration
  • Miss. Code Ann. § 85-3-31 - May file homestead declaration
  • Mont. Code Ann. § 70-32-105 - Must record homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
  • Mont. Code Ann. § 25-13-615 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $378,560; sale, condemnation, or insurance proceeds exempt for 18 months (increases 4% every calendar year)
  • Mont. Code Ann. § 70-32-104 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $378,560; sale, condemnation, or insurance proceeds exempt for 18 months (increases 4% every calendar year)
  • Mont. Code Ann. § 70-32-201 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $378,560; sale, condemnation, or insurance proceeds exempt for 18 months (increases 4% every calendar year)
  • Mont. Code Ann. § 70-32-213 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $378,560; sale, condemnation, or insurance proceeds exempt for 18 months (increases 4% every calendar year)
  • Mont. Code Ann. § 70-32-105 - Must record homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
  • N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1C-1601 (a)(1),(2) - Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $35,000 (husband and wife may double) ($60,000 if 65 or older and spouse is deceased); up to $5,000 of unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
  • In re Chandler, 148 B.R. 13 (E.D. N.C. 1992) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • N.D. Cent. Code § 28-22-02 (7) - Real property, house trailer, or mobile home to $150,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • N.D. Cent. Code § 47-18-01 - Real property, house trailer, or mobile home to $150,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • N.D. Cent. Code § 47-18-04 (4) - Real property, house trailer, or mobile home to $150,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1556 - $60,000 for head of family or unmarried person age 65 or older; cannot exceed 2 lots in city or village, 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Neb. Rev. Stat. § 40-111 - $60,000 for head of family or unmarried person age 65 or older; cannot exceed 2 lots in city or village, 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Neb. Rev. Stat. § 40-113 - $60,000 for head of family or unmarried person age 65 or older; cannot exceed 2 lots in city or village, 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • Neb. Rev. Stat. § 40-105 - May record homestead declaration
  • N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 480:1 - Real property or manufactured housing (and the land it's on if you own it) to $120,000
  • Freda v. Commercial Trust Co. of New Jersey, 570 A.2d 409 (N.J. 1990) - None, but survivorship interest of a spouse in property held as tenancy by the entirety is exempt from creditors of a single spouse
  • N.M. Stat. Ann. § 42-10-9 - $150,000 (joint owners may double). A surviving spouse may claim $300,000 if the owner's spouse died within two years prior to the date of claiming the exemption.
  • Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 115.020 - Must record homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
  • In re Lennox, 58 B.R. 104 (D. Nev. 1986) - Real property or mobile home to $605,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 115.020 - Real property or mobile home to $605,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 115.005 - Real property or mobile home to $605,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 115.010 - Real property or mobile home to $605,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 21.090 (1)(m) - Real property or mobile home to $605,000 (husband & wife may not double)
  • In re Pearl, 723 F.2d 193 (2nd Cir. 1983) - Real property including co-op, condo, or mobile home, to $179,975 for the counties of Kings, New York, Queens, Bronx, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam; $149.975 for the counties of Dutchess, Albany, Columbia, Orange, Saratoga, and Ulster; $89,975 for the remaining counties in the state. (husband & wife may double)
  • N.Y. CPLR § 5206 (a) - Real property including co-op, condo, or mobile home, to $179,975 for the counties of Kings, New York, Queens, Bronx, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam; $149.975 for the counties of Dutchess, Albany, Columbia, Orange, Saratoga, and Ulster; $89,975 for the remaining counties in the state. (husband & wife may double)
  • In re Pernus, 143 B.R. 856 (N.D. Ohio 1992) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2329.66 (A)(1)(b) - Real or personal property used as residence to $161,375.
  • 31 Okla. Stat. Ann. § 1 (A)(1) - Real property or manufactured home to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere; $5,000 limit if more than 25% of total sq. ft. area used for business purposes; okay to rent homestead as long as no other residence is acquired
  • 31 Okla. Stat. Ann. § 1 (A)(2) - Real property or manufactured home to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere; $5,000 limit if more than 25% of total sq. ft. area used for business purposes; okay to rent homestead as long as no other residence is acquired
  • 31 Okla. Stat. Ann. § 2 - Real property or manufactured home to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere; $5,000 limit if more than 25% of total sq. ft. area used for business purposes; okay to rent homestead as long as no other residence is acquired
  • Or. Rev. Stat. § 18.395 - Real property, mobile home or houseboat you occupy or intend to occupy to $40,000 ($50,000 for joint owners); property cannot exceed 1 block in town or city or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 1 year from sale, if you intend to purchase another home
  • Or. Rev. Stat. § 18.402 - Real property, mobile home or houseboat you occupy or intend to occupy to $40,000 ($50,000 for joint owners); property cannot exceed 1 block in town or city or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 1 year from sale, if you intend to purchase another home
  • Or. Rev. Stat. § 408.440 - Real property of a soldier or sailor during time of war
  • In re Wynn, 369 B.R. 605 (Bankr. D. Or 2007) - Homestead proceeds used for rent count as reinvestment within one year.
  • In re Pletz, 221 F.3d 1114 (9th Cir 2000) - Tenancy by entirety not exempt, but subject to survivorship rights of nondebtor spouse
  • In re Casserino, 379 F.3d 1069 (9th Cir. 2004) - Prepaid rent and security deposits for renter's dwelling
  • In re Martin, 259 B.R. 119 (M.D. Pa. 2001) - None; however, property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • R.I. Gen. Laws § 9-26-4.1 - $500,000 in land & buildings you occupy or intend to occupy as a principal residence
  • S.C. Code Ann. § 15-41-30 (A)(1) - Real property, including co-op, to $76,125 (joint owners to $152,250)
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-1 - Real property to unlimited value or mobile home (larger than 240 sq. ft. at its base and registered in state at least 6 months before filing) to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds to $30,000 ($170,000 if over age 70 or widow or widower who hasn't remarried) exempt for 1 year after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-2 - Real property to unlimited value or mobile home (larger than 240 sq. ft. at its base and registered in state at least 6 months before filing) to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds to $30,000 ($170,000 if over age 70 or widow or widower who hasn't remarried) exempt for 1 year after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-3 - Real property to unlimited value or mobile home (larger than 240 sq. ft. at its base and registered in state at least 6 months before filing) to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds to $30,000 ($170,000 if over age 70 or widow or widower who hasn't remarried) exempt for 1 year after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-4 - Real property to unlimited value or mobile home (larger than 240 sq. ft. at its base and registered in state at least 6 months before filing) to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds to $30,000 ($170,000 if over age 70 or widow or widower who hasn't remarried) exempt for 1 year after sale (husband & wife may not double)
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-5 - (Gold or silver mine, mill, or smelter not exempt)
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-13 - Spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption
  • S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 43-31-6 - May file homestead declaration
  • Tenn. Code Ann. § 26-2-301 - $5,000; $7,500 for joint owners; $25,000 if at least one dependent is a minor child. (if 62 or older, 12,500 if single; $20,000 if married; $25,000 if spouse is also 62 or older)
  • In re Arango, 136 B.R. 740 (Bankr.E.D.Tenn. 1992) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse In re Arango, 136 B.R. 740 aff'd, 992 F.2d 611 (6th Cir. 1993)
  • In re Arango, 992 F.2d 611 (6th Cir. 1993) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse In re Arango, 136 B.R. 740 aff'd, 992 F.2d 611 (6th Cir. 1993)
  • In re Arwood, 289 B.R. 889 (Bankr.E.D.Tenn. 2003) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse In re Arango, 136 B.R. 740 aff'd, 992 F.2d 611 (6th Cir. 1993)
  • In re Hogue, 286 S.W.3d 890 (S.Ct.Tenn 2009) - $5,000; $7,500 for joint owners; $25,000 if at least one dependent is a minor child. (if 62 or older, 12,500 if single; $20,000 if married; $25,000 if spouse is also 62 or older)
  • Tenn. Code Ann. § 26-2-302 - $5,000; $7,500 for joint owners; $25,000 if at least one dependent is a minor child. (if 62 or older, 12,500 if single; $20,000 if married; $25,000 if spouse is also 62 or older)
  • Tenn. Code Ann. § 26-2-303 - 2—15 year lease
  • Tenn. Code Ann. § 26-2-301 - Spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.023 - Must file homestead declaration, or court will file it for you and charge you for doing so
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.021 - Must file homestead declaration, or court will file it for you and charge you for doing so
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.022 - Must file homestead declaration, or court will file it for you and charge you for doing so
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.005 (f) - Must file homestead declaration, or court will file it for you and charge you for doing so
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.003 - Unlimited; property cannot exceed 10 acres in town, village, city or 100 acres (200 for families) elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (renting okay if another home not acquired, Prop. 41.003)
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.001 - Unlimited; property cannot exceed 10 acres in town, village, city or 100 acres (200 for families) elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (renting okay if another home not acquired, Prop. 41.003)
  • Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 41.002 - Unlimited; property cannot exceed 10 acres in town, village, city or 100 acres (200 for families) elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (renting okay if another home not acquired, Prop. 41.003)
  • Tex. Const. Art. 16, § 50 - Unlimited; property cannot exceed 10 acres in town, village, city or 100 acres (200 for families) elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (renting okay if another home not acquired, Prop. 41.003)
  • Tex. Const. Art. 16, § 51 - Unlimited; property cannot exceed 10 acres in town, village, city or 100 acres (200 for families) elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (renting okay if another home not acquired, Prop. 41.003)
  • 11 U.S.C. § 522 (d)(1), (d)(5) - Real property, including co-op or mobile home, or burial plot to $27,900; unused portion of homestead to $13,950 may be applied to any property
  • 25 U.S.C. § 410 - Indian lands or homestead sales or lease proceeds
  • Utah Code Ann. § 78B-5-503 (5)(b) - Sale proceeds exempt for 1 year
  • Utah Code Ann. § 78B-5-504 - Must file homestead declaration before attempted sale of home
  • Utah Code Ann. § 78B-5-503 (1),(2),(4) - Real property, mobile home, or water rights to $48,700 if primary residence; $5,800 if not primary residence (joint owners may double)
  • In re Williams, 104 F.3d 668 (4th Cir 1997) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Va. Code Ann. § 34-4 - $5,000 plus $500 per dependent; rents & profits; sale proceeds exempt to $5,000 (husband & wife may double, unused portion of homestead may be applied to any personal property); if 65 or older, exemption is $10,000, and (as of July 2020) an additional $25,000 if the home is a principal residence
  • Cheeseman v.Nachman,, 656 F.2d 60 (4th Cir. 1981) - $5,000 plus $500 per dependent; rents & profits; sale proceeds exempt to $5,000 (husband & wife may double, unused portion of homestead may be applied to any personal property); if 65 or older, exemption is $10,000, and (as of July 2020) an additional $25,000 if the home is a principal residence
  • Va. Code Ann. § 34-18 - $5,000 plus $500 per dependent; rents & profits; sale proceeds exempt to $5,000 (husband & wife may double, unused portion of homestead may be applied to any personal property); if 65 or older, exemption is $10,000, and (as of July 2020) an additional $25,000 if the home is a principal residence
  • Va. Code Ann. § 34-20 - $5,000 plus $500 per dependent; rents & profits; sale proceeds exempt to $5,000 (husband & wife may double, unused portion of homestead may be applied to any personal property); if 65 or older, exemption is $10,000, and (as of July 2020) an additional $25,000 if the home is a principal residence
  • In re Hoss, 233 B.R. 684 (W.D. Va 1999) - May include mobile home.
  • Va. Code Ann. § 34-6 - Must file homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
  • In re Bunker, 312 f.3d 145 (4th Cir 2002) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Va. Code Ann. 64.2-311 - Surviving spouse may claim $15,000; if no surviving spouse, minor children may claim exemption
  • Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 27, § 101 - Real property or mobile home to $125,000; may also claim rents, issues, profits, & out-buildings (husband and wife may not double)
  • In re McQueen, 21 B.R. 736 (D. Ver. 1982) - Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
  • Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 27, § 105 - Spouse of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption
  • D'Avignon v. Palmisano, 34 B.R. 796 (D. Vt. 1982) - Real property or mobile home to $125,000; may also claim rents, issues, profits, & out-buildings (husband and wife may not double)
  • In re Roberge, 307 B.R. 442 (Bankr. D. Vt. 2004) - Real property or mobile home to $125,000; may also claim rents, issues, profits, & out-buildings (husband and wife may not double)
  • Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 6.13.040 - Must record homestead declaration before sale of home if property unimproved or home unoccupied
  • Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 6.13.010 - Real property, manufactured home, or mobile home from to $172,900 to $729,600, depending on county (husband and wife may not double) (S.B. 5408 effective, signed May 12, 2021)
  • Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 6.13.030 - Real property, manufactured home, or mobile home from to $172,900 to $729,600, depending on county (husband and wife may not double) (S.B. 5408 effective, signed May 12, 2021)
  • Wis. Stat. Ann. § 990.01 (14) - Property you occupy or intend to occupy to $75,000, not exceeding 40 acres; sale proceeds exempt for 2 years if you intend to purchase another home (husband & wife's may double)
  • Wis. Stat. Ann. § 815.20 - Property you occupy or intend to occupy to $75,000, not exceeding 40 acres; sale proceeds exempt for 2 years if you intend to purchase another home (husband & wife's may double)
  • W. Va. Code § 38-10-4 (a) - Real or personal property used as residence to $35,000; unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property (husband & wife may double)
  • Wyo. Stat. § 1-20-101 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $100,000 (joint owners may double)
  • Wyo. Stat. § 1-20-102 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $100,000 (joint owners may double)
  • Wyo. Stat. § 1-20-104 - Real property or mobile home you occupy to $100,000 (joint owners may double)
  • Wyo. Stat. § 1-20-103 - Spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption