Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Nebraska Pensions & Retirement Savings Exemptions

Exemption: Military disability benefits to $2,000

Citation: Stat. - Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1559

Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1559 :
� 25-1559. Pensions of disabled soldiers and sailors; property purchased therewith; limit.

In addition to the exemptions otherwise provided for, there shall also be exempt from levy and sale upon execution or attachment, to every resident of the State of Nebraska, who became disabled in the service of the United States as a soldier, sailor or marine, all pension money hereafter received and all property hereafter purchased and improved exclusively therewith, not exceeding two thousand dollars in value, of and belonging to such soldier, sailor or marine.
Last Amended: 1929
Source: Laws 1887, c. 101, � 1, p. 656; R.S.1913, � 8106; C.S.1922, � 9042; C.S.1929, � 20-1560; R.S.1943, § 25-1559.

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