Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Vermont Tenancy by Entirety Exemptions

Exemption: Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse

Citation: Stat. - Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 67

Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 15, § 67 :
� 67 Estates by entirety

Real estate and tangible personal property and the products thereof, held and owned by husband and wife by the entirety, are made chargeable during the lifetime of the husband for the debts contracted by him for the necessary upkeep of such property, in the same manner and to the same extent as if owned and held by him in his sole name.
Last Amended: 1927
Source. V.S. 1947, � 3167. P.L. � 3078. 1933, No. 157, � 2863a. 1927, No. 48.
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