Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Oregon Public Benefits Exemptions

Exemption: Veterans' benefits and proceeds of veterans loans

Citation: Stat. - Or. Rev. Stat. § 407.595

(restrictions on loan assignment)
Or. Rev. Stat. § 407.595 :
Chapter 407. Veterans Loans (Refs & Annos)

407.595. Execution or assignment of loans

No right, payment or proceeds of any loan made under ORS 407.125 or statutes supplementary thereof shall be subject to garnishment, attachment or execution or the claim of any creditor; nor shall any such right or payment be capable of assignment except as may be necessary for completion of any loan applied for and then only under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Director of Veterans' Affairs.
Last Amended: 2005

1 Amended by 2005 Oregon Laws Ch. 625 (H.B. 2932).

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