Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Idaho Miscellaneous Exemptions

Exemption: Liquor licenses

Citation: Stat. - Idaho Code § 23-514

Idaho Code § 23-514 :
23-514 Nature of permit.

A permit shall be a personal privilege, subject to be denied, revoked, or canceled for its abuse. It shall not constitute property; nor shall it be subject to attachment and execution; nor shall it be alienable or assignable. Every permit shall be issued in the name of the applicant and no person holding a permit shall allow any other person to use the same. The dispensary, if not satisfied of the integrity and good faith of an applicant for a permit, may refuse to issue the same, or may refuse to issue a renewal thereof.
Last Amended: 2009
S.L. 1939, ch. 222, s 814; S.L. 2009, ch. 23, s 43, eff. July 1, 2009.
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