How to Discharge or Cancel Your Student Loans

Can I Get Still Forgiveness or Cancellation of My Student Loans, even though Biden's Forgiveness Plan Was Struck Down by the Supreme Court?

Under certain circumstances, you can get your student loans wiped out. Your options depend on what kind of loans you have and when you took them out.
Updated: 2021-09-02
What Happens If I Default on My Student Loans?
Student Loan Forgiveness Progams

Supreme Court

You have probably heard about President Biden's student loan forgiveness program that was announced in October 2022. The Supreme Court nixed that program at the end of June 2023.

President Biden has announced that the pause in student loan payments that began in the Covid pandemic will end, and the first payments will come due in October 2023.

Loan Forgiveness Programs That Still Exist,  Other Than the Biden Plan Rejected By the Supreme Court

Under certain limited circumstances, you can get your student loans balances reduced wiped out. Your options depend on what kind of loans you have (through the federal government or a private lender) and when you took them out.

For more information about cancelation or discharge, select your state below.


Jurisdictional relevance: ST

There are versions of this article for each State.

Select Your State

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