Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Alaska Personal Property Exemptions

Exemption: Burial plot

Citation: Stat. - Alaska Stat. § 09.38.015 (a)(1)

Alaska Stat. § 09.38.015 (a)(1):
Sec. 09.38.015 Property exempt without limitation.

(a) An individual is entitled to exemption of the following property:

(1) a burial plot for the individual and the individual's family;

(2) health aids reasonably necessary to enable the individual or a dependent to work or to sustain health;

(3) benefits paid or payable for medical, surgical, or hospital care to the extent they are or will be used to pay for the care;

(4) an award under AS 18.67 (Violent Crimes Compensation Board) or a crime victim's reparations act of another jurisdiction;

(5) benefits paid or payable as a longevity bonus under AS 47.45;

(6) compensation or benefits paid or payable and exempt under federal law;

(7) liquor licenses granted under AS 04;

(8) tuition credit or savings accounts under a higher education savings account established under AS 14.40.802 or an advance college tuition savings contract authorized under AS 14.40.809(a);

(9) a permanent fund dividend to the extent allowed under AS 43.23.065;

(10) benefits paid or payable as a senior care benefit under AS 47.45.300-- 47.45.390.

(b) The right to benefits held by the state on behalf of an individual that may become payable by reason of disability, unemployment, or illness, amounts held in the teachers', judicial, or public employees' retirement system, or in the elected public officers' retirement system under former AS 39.37, and child support collections made by the child support services agency are exempt.

(c) Property of the state, a municipality, and of the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority or another state public corporation is exempt.

(d) Real property held by a cemetery association established under AS 10.30 for the purpose of a cemetery and not exceeding 80 acres is exempt.
Last Amended: 2007
(Sec. 2 ch 62 SLA 1982; am Sec. 1 ch 61 SLA 1991; am Sec. 1 ch 65 SLA 1991; am Sec. 1 ch 52 SLA 1992; am Sec. 105 ch 4 FSSLA 1992; am Sec. 1 ch 9 SLA 1994; am Sec. 12 ch 23 SLA 1995; am Sec. 2 ch 3 SLA 2000; am Sec. 1 ch 138 SLA 2002; am Sec. 1, 4 ch 89 SLA 2005; am Sec. 3 ch 50 SLA 2007; am Sec. 2 ch 1 FSSLA 2007)
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