Access to Justice for Kansas Consumers has been providing free tools and legal information to Kansas consumers since 2006. has been providing free tools and legal information to Kansas consumers since 2006.
You can use an Affidavit in Kansas for probate estates with less than $75,000. (This excludes the value of all joint tenancy property and other assets that pass by beneficiary designation, such as life insurance and transfer on death accounts.)
There's a summary probate procedure available, but the court needs to approve it, based on the size of the estate, the wishes of the heirs, and other factors.
Kan. Stat. Ann 59-3202 and following.
Kansas, like most states, does not impose an estate or inheritance tax. Only a few states do.
No, except as to 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(10) (benefits, alimony, support, maintenance, certain pensions and similar payments). Kan. Stat. Ann. § 60-2312.
Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm. If existing homestead land is annexed by city, homestead retains its prior protection despite annexation.
$20,000; if designed or equipped for disabled person, no limit
In Kansas, you can receive unemployment benefits for a maximum of 16 to 26 weeks, depending on the unemployment rate when you apply.
The minimum wage in Kansas is the same as the federal minimum wage: $7.25 an hour.
In Kansas, your employer may pay you a minimum wage of $2.13 an hour, as long as you earn enough in tips to bring your total hourly pay up to the full minimum wage, $7.25 an hour. If you don’t earn enough in tips to bring your compensation to the full minimum wage, your employer must make up the difference.